How to use the water machine improve your finances

How to use the water machine improve your finances

Water machine are put in the modern home or office location is very important, should not only regard to the drinking water is convenient, but also to the beautiful, kanyu study think water-related proper placement can be help to fortune.

The location of the water cooler are common in the gate, this is not the best place.Speaking, from the Angle of the drinking water is at the gate is often busy place, easy to have such as bacteria, impact of money easily.More reliable placement of the Suggestions in the gate import diagonal, here are usually quiet place, convenient for drinking water, rest, and this is a corner, is easy to maneuver, is advantageous to the interpersonal communication, can better contribute to the unity and harmonious atmosphere.In addition, the traditional kanyu study think front diagonal is money, items related to the water is put in this, can promote luck.

In addition to the diagonal position, hall can also, hall a generally refers to the place that take the door in the direction of translation, placed the biggest advantages of water dispenser reception come here more convenient, can be quick to make tea reception, will give visitors a feel at home, can improve the connections, easy noble power, contribute to business.Judging solely by azimuth, general kanyu study said the items related to water is put in the north is more appropriate, and placed in the southwest direction, is conducive to women's money, also can promote fortune in southeast orientation, bigger help on the men in the east, and in the south is easy to appear the phenomenon of good and bad a job.

Good luck to tip

Now many families and offices have a water dispenser, but don't look down on this item, it had a great influence on the feng shui that occupy the home, because it is belong to "water", put the position recommended in the gate to import the diagonal, here are usually quiet place, convenient for drinking water, rest, and this is a corner, is easy to maneuver, is advantageous to the interpersonal communication, can better contribute to the unity and harmonious atmosphere.

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