Household decorates the important feng shui

Household decorates the important feng shui

The half time of life is spent in the home, so home and environment is very important.

"Door, Lord, kitchen" three main factors for the residential home, smooth flow of the indoor air is one of the important factors, the building such as a person of the body, the functions of the parts of the interior is like the body's organs, all have the effect of the metabolism, especially the door and Windows to symbolize the mouth and nose of the building, only a modest air flow smoothly inside the space, living in one of the talented person can get healthy balance of replenishing qi, various aspects will be healthy and steady development.

In the home layout, you may refer to the following factors coupled with a reasonable collocation lives bureau:

The bedroom

The happiness of a family, mainly is to look at the degree of harmony between husband and wife, so, the husband and wife live in the bedroom layout is the key, since this is a bedroom, so the most important thing is the bed put, angry, live, day in fengshui, v is the orientation of the four auspicious, concrete can be combined with the couple's life put a bed in a reasonable place;West 4th beds of auspicious azimuth for life: west, northwest and southwest;Complementary position in northeast China;Grabbing the beds of auspicious azimuth for life: east, southeast, south, complementary and orientation for the north.Also note that tone, and the comfort of living, etc.

The study

The study is the place of reading and studying, it is the wisdom of the family, should notice daylighting, ventilated, the orientation of the desk to put in the position of wenchang.R NiuXing fengshui thought: "day, among the living Lord pass civil examinations and", and the day the NiuXingZhi position, it is everyone's angry, kyrgyzstan.

The sitting room

The sitting room is for family place for rest, entertainment and communication with the outside world, decided the family and social relations, the development of the career, the bearing should be given priority to with elegant, smooth pattern, the sitting room should be located in the front of the whole residential location.

The kitchen

Kitchen symbol of family money and food eloth, first ask broad space to happy, well ventilated, and pay attention to clean and tidy, cooking range setting off and the tap position must be placed in kyrgyzstan, fengshui thought is rich the money star "day" and has "officer expensive jingu" the function of "play" millet, day money star very coincidentally distributed in the "live" position of each house and live is a symbol of longevity and prosperity, so the kitchen is located in the bearing can be lead to the development of the family fortune and various aspects.

The toilet

Toilet to discharge the waste, the whole family should be the toilet is located in the right position, and remember: the toilet can't contrast with the kitchen door, also can't and the door is to, otherwise will influence the development of the whole family's health and fortune.

Decorate color should conform to the requirements of the feng shui, first notice of folklore.From geomantic learn on the basis of the analysis, in indoor decoration, colour collocation can according to the five lines represent the material selection in combination of the color is the best, try to avoid color phase, phase punishment.

Good luck to tip

Geomantic learn to pay attention to the balance of Yin and Yang five elements, so in interior decoration color, with the function of the room and avoid photograph rushs, gold, wood, water, fire, soil five line respectively with white, blue, black, red, yellow, corresponding consistent phase is born, as a symbol of auspicious, phase grams is fierce.

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