Unfavorable to feng shui 10 buildings

Unfavorable to feng shui 10 buildings

Home feng shui is the first note of everyone when choosing house, but household geomantic not only depends on the internal structure of the house, the surrounding buildings is has the very important effect on feng shui.Summarized below for household geomantic ten buildings, please readers reference.

1. The hospital

If you live near the hospital, on the feng shui is bad.Here's why:

(1) hospitals have many patients live, bacteria will be more;

(2) in the hospital, luck will lag, so much lag gas gathering together, certainly will have a significant influence on the aura around;

(3) the hospital every day someone to invasive surgery, ShaQi is overweight, it may also affect the surrounding magnetic field;

(4) hospital patients often have died, some people are die unsatisfied, the injustice affect peripheral aura.So if your home is near the hospital, can have the following three methods to resolve: (1) to open when the shipment of the door or a door, absorb the gas;(2) pay attention to health, so as to avoid bacteria invasion;(3) to have religious beliefs, such as buddhist, religious high spirit energy that would be to increase the aura of the residence.

2. The church,temple

In fengshui, after god temple are solitary evil spirit, so have temples, churches and other religious places near the home is bad.Where are the gods of bailment, get together, can make the aura or near the energy interference and influence the ecological environment.Live in religious buildings, will have the following two questions:

(1) family can appear alone;

(2) character go to extremes, or go on the rampage, or very good, often been bullied, etc.

3. The towers

Towers are generally transmit or receive television, telephone signal, the aura is strong, the biggest influence of magnetic field, and shape are pointed.If residence near the tower, generally the following happens:

(1) family prone to trauma and other mass annihilation;

(2) easy to have mental problems.

4. Public security bureau, the fire department

Belong to Yang, fengshui, the public security bureau is a solitary evil spirit, in the ancient books "snow heart fu feng shui cloud: solitary Yang is not born, Yin is not long.If the house is to the public security bureau, the make a solitary evil spirit, is a family health is bad, the second is are fighting will.All fire squadron the door of bright red, if the house is on fire, besides has the above bad might also have a mass annihilation.

5. Government agencies

Government agencies belong to huang qi, is the land to Yang, including government organs at all levels, court, procuratorate, etc., as well as the public security bureau, is lonely is land, if the home is to such places, will have the following circumstances:

(1) family prone to mental illness.

(2) to officer, right and wrong;

(3) there may be a mass annihilation.

6. The school

Many people think that live near the school place of this kind of culture must be good feng shui, but the result is not so.Here's why:

(1) the school is water government, economic is poor;

(2) the school is during the dayHave a class, no one place in the evening, even in class are also some children during the day.The sun be the spirit of children is relatively weak, less than the sun be the spirit of heavy adults.Yang weak Yin sheng nearby buildings.In feng shui, Yang for smooth, Yin to block.So to live near the school, is a fortune is not so good, there will be a drag.

7. Market

If housing is below the market, luck is relatively dull, curtilage not smooth.Here's why:

(1) vegetable markets will send out fishy or meat smell, this power;

(2) environmental health is poor, lacks drenched, breeds bacteria, insects, this is a fungus evil spirit;

(3) daily sales of pigs, cattle, sheep, chickens and other meat, spirit will be attached to the meat of these animals, can accumulate in the vegetable market, increases the perimeter of the Yin qi.

8. The theatre, the cinema

Theater and cinema every day is a few, screening, Numbers, gathered a mass of gas, after it finished, the audience left, dispersed in a hubbub, this belongs to "separation".With sun be the spirit, sun be the spirit of suddenly gathered in one place, soon will suddenly disappear in great quantities, the aura severely disrupted, leads to the people who live in the nearby luck capricious, downs, strong with the weak finances.

9. Substation or high voltage towers

Electrical fire, the influence on magnetic field, the largest impact on the human brain and heart, blood.If the residence near a substation or high voltage towers, will have the following effects:

(1) health easy problems, such as heart disease, cardiovascular disease, etc.;

(2) have effects on the brain, the brain tumor, prone to mental illness.

(3) easy to impulse, to do things so easy to make mistakes.According to the research of the foreign experts for five years, if the home is close to the high buildings, the chance of children with acute leukemia is more than double that of normal children, generally is a one over twenty thousand chance of children with acute leukemia, one over ten thousand is twice as high.This problem is worth parents pay attention to.

10. Dump

In the buddhist point of view, and the spirit is like gathered in the dark and smelly places, such as forest, sewer, tips, etc.So if you have any tips, near the residence is easy to have the spirit into the house, has haunted phenomena appear, lead to family mental problems, such as messuage anemic.The solution is to install a lamp at the door the ever-burning lamps of red.

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