The basic framework of Chinese fengshui

The basic framework of Chinese fengshui

Overall, said China's ancient architecture consists of three major theoretical system, the Chinese ancient water, China's construction and Chinese gardening.China antique water is very important part of learning, embodies the Chinese soul life ideal pursue, directly affects the rise and fall of the dynasty, the political situation, family breeding, regional change, personal fate and wealth and straw.So can say feng shui warlocks have been influence on Chinese society has the mystery.

China fengshui theory basis is yi yi, to carry forward the ideas of nature and humanity.In a nutshell, is made up of method and logos.

Combing ancient water learn internal structure can be seen, the main theoretical framework for the heaven, earth, people only three processing methods.Involved in the justice in seasonal change, change the situation, airflow direction, thunder and lightning, the sun, the moon and the stars bearing the law of influence on people's life.

At the geographic level, the main research mountains, rivers, trees, the tides, topography, soil and other aspects of human settlements of direct and indirect influence;On the life level, mainly focus on the people of the periodical change of physical and inherent law.

Chinese traditional thought that strangers, dead for ever, was born in the world is a temporary journey, therefore, death's home sometimes is more important than life.As a result, Chinese geomantic art and points on meeting and YangZhai two categories.And meeting often more vast than YangZhai engineering, more brilliant, such as qin shihuang's mausoleum.

Complex theory of feng shui, adhered to harmony and balance of Yin and Yang, five elements, the three classical principles.Whether thousand feet for potential, hundred feet for the classification of form, or a compass oriented mountain head method: such as find dragon, sand, water, acupuncture, orientation, and seeking to collect inside overall heart, can clearly find the basis of that, to sum up, is nothing more than following a set of tools: traditional culture theory of Yin and Yang five elements, based on, power zodiac, ever-green five parties, shu, gossip jiugong, seven telecom nine star, four seasons seasonal, astrology eset, the big dipper, twenty BaSu, original legend.

"Qi" in pursuit of the eye view, air to Richard, body with phase;"Town of operator method" is divided into two classes, a class of bearing operator town, there is time operator town, the former is not auspicious place to set the amulet to avoid disadvantages, the latter use words more yuan, on a particular day, specific behavior (such as in Japan, said the travel date) to circumvent.

Wind closed water, the unity of nature and be particular about fengshui thought, its inherent value pursuit, in now modern languages can be summarized as: the pursuit of the harmony between human landscape and natural landscape;The pursuit of harmony with the nature of the human environment;The pursuit of people in natural coordination, TongPinGongZhen between heaven and earth.

The ideal pursuit of the residence, for example, first was in and out of the residence, when there is a natural draught, implicit mask to light and shade is appropriate, the best nozzle and sentient beings;After appropriate low before higher;The best residential location should be back mountain, water, sun.Home ownership when to choose a home, built in.It should be the ochre thicker, all the wind is not conflict, especially underground wind;Pay attention to hidden deep Zhou Na, high and dry terrain, water when circulation and not nearly leaching, this is the basic meaning of feng shui.

In addition to the pursuit of the overall construction of a harmonious, through building layout, space division, position adjustment, choice of colors, designs a variety of fengshui has the metaphor and symbol, the method of peculiar to achieve physical and mental combined.Strip away the fog of the ancient Chinese geomantic learn internal structure, can be summarized as the following simple Chinese philosophical pursuit in the residential and direct use of the building: harmony with nature;Suitable to invert suspension with heaven and earth;Life is short when life is supreme;Antai ask the amiable form of body and mind.

But unfortunately, this pursuit for hide in the dust, for thousands of years of history by the mysterious theory about various, but lost the definite guiding meaning and form, this is Chinese culture one big regret.If geomantic learn to a clear framework across dynasties, China's current cottages fields will not be so messy.Chaos is the manifestation of chaos theory in reality.

Fengshui theory of modern exploration, ideal landscape

Geomantic learn in today's today is in the edge position, the general public will no longer see it as a kind of serious learning.Now, however, some people began to examine from a new Angle to study its, this is likely to be affected by the western ideological trend of contemporary society.Europe and the United States after the industrial revolution, has been started from the unique perspective of the relationship between human and nature.

The three big problems in modern life that poverty, population and environment problem, make some wise men recognize that housing is not only filled with all kinds of wires and equipment of machinery, building itself is a spiritual, there is life.Driven by scholars in this thought, found that the modern society there is a "residential disease", and the body more than 30 disease directly related to housing, so to speak.

Scholars have also found that urban planning in the city of thermal light processing and afforestation, water, wind, and living environment and leisure environment design, profoundly influence the rise and fall of the people's life and even city.So the Chinese serious scholars also began to seriously study Chinese fengshui, and gradually formed a research about ideal landscape, it is also a response to today's social problems.

However, after careful comparison can discover, western architecture emphasizes the line of sight, are hooked on the high ground and depending on the control points, in contrast with the hidden Chinese feng shui architecture and space structure of prohibitive.

Such as the good feng shui for traditional language description: left tsing lung, right white tiger, QianZhuQiao, after basaltic basaltic blue - requirements, rosefinch XiangWu, tsing lung winding, white tiger tame.In modern language can be translated as: stop falling, cavity field is located in the mountains) stretching peaks, attach over the open plains, den Zhou Qingliu buckling sentient beings, on both sides of the mount guard, at present mountain, mountain arch greeted with yi.Such as Beijing Ming tombs for jiangxi feng shui masters are qing take two years as the tomb of site selection, namely according to the principle of this thought.

Good feng shui, is actually in the palisade and ban, isolation and tire rate (feng shui thought the earth as a whole of life, and refers to the hole, such as the birth of the women;Rate, gas, also in the cell, breathing the breath of flux to the mother gasp from the navel, referred to as a child.)Several factors for coordination, and pay attention to use items and operator town (to adjust the gap in feng shui, the gouges where whole pieces were missing can understand into residential gate in the face of the object or the elevator, etc.We often say "cut to the chase", here we can also compare "mountain" to "mouth") and the corridor, such as pavilions, Bridges, pavilion, tower, doors and Lin feng shui, etc., to achieve a psychological satisfaction.Therefore, some scholars put the Chinese feng shui landscape as a kind of ideal metaphor: in the mountains or the side of a mountain block, can have kunlun mountains mode: high mountain island;Penglai mode: sea island;Pot day mode: little hukou type into place with a large pot of cavity;Tao yuanming pattern: the winding corridor, appear gouges where whole pieces were missing, there is a basin;Gully inside the camp, and landscape painting.

This ideal model the hidden shelter, stalwart domain, isolation, identification of space of a few heavy meaning.Such as feng shui is the statement about territory, pavilion, tower door, memorial arch, zhaobi can remove fierce, geomantic forests with hidden gas wind, courtyard emphasizes to make ideal living environment.

It should be said that the study of this kind of ideal landscape, is the great progress of traditional geomantic learn.However, compared to the content of the classical feng shui has obvious deficiencies, namely the level and scope involved far smaller than traditional fengshui and shallower, especially can not fully reflect the philosophy of traditional geomantic learn and outlook on life, on the realistic guidance is not clear.However, as a good start, this research pioneered the modern research direction of fengshui.

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