Careless household geomantic vulnerable to small three loophole

Household geomancy taboo is a very mysterious thing, sometimes you have to believe, now a lot of wife sobbed her home are often the somebody else appeared a little three, so you might as well review, in addition to the convergence as the wife of her shortcomings, if ignore the home of some household geomantic contraindication, if never noticed, I might as well with the list below the household geomantic contraindication comparison, it's not too late, don't let the small three drill loophole.

1, indoor the pattern of the bevel Angle is more, lead to discord, easy to produce misunderstanding.Some house design in pursuit of beautiful and special creations, built a grotesque, cause room bevel or founder, when indoor especially the shape of the bedroom rendering too much Angle, Angle, it's easy to make living in one of the husband and wife have the conflict happens, living in geomancy taboo, if pointed horn to rush shoot, pointed on behalf of the attack, discord and struggle, in such a feng shui, driven by two people will not agree, are more likely to make a big misunderstanding.

2, the left tsing lung is too strong.The door to look out from home, on behalf of the men on the left and rightA woman, if the left is too strong in the household geomantic contraindication is the husband would be too strong, indoor and outdoor is, for example on the left side to put inside the sitting room is very tall cabinet or furniture, but the right to put relatively obvious small furniture or almost nothing, or look out from the balcony, outside on the left is likely to be a tall building or a big hill, but nothing on the right also belong to this too.On the left is strong, by actuating the relationship, the man living in the home, the husband will be more and more strong, or more and more strong, the wife can't hold more and more.

3, there are big beam in the bedroom, because life stress couples to argue.Some people in order to make interior space is bigger, the two rooms get through, so a lot of time can cause a beam, appeared in the bedroom in the middle from the shape, the beams as if the person is in at the, burden falls on the shoulder, can make live in the bedroom there was a dispute over two people to life pressure or arguments;And bedroom are in the bar, also can make room aura is not smooth, cause emotional instability of husband and wife.If you have this pattern in the bedroom or sitting room, can put the ceiling covered flat.

4, the appearance of the northwest of concave and convex of the residence is not straight, even have prominent circular arc, in household geomantic contraindication of Chinese and western north, dry bits represent the man in the home, the feng shui shape makes the husband linger outside all day, philandering.

5, home kitchen, dirty, disorderly and poor family warmth, cold and cheerless.This will make the husband feel home after there is no warm feeling, so I ran outside every day.

6, the husband and wifeThe quiltTo separate the two cover.This kind of situation has much difference with separation, preferably with a quilt cover, and husband and wife had better use conjoined pillow.

7, on both sides of the head of a bed not placed bedside table, solid relationship hard.Bedside table for use in household geomantic contraindication is not allow to ignore, not only can make happy happy feelings of husband and wife, also can in career, wealth blessing to force.Suggestion on each side of the bed put a;Bedside table should be higher than the height of the bed, is not only beneficial to increase two people's feelings, wisdom, and also can effectively improve the quality of sleep.Best bedside table with a drawer, put in the ark, a small desk lamp, it can not only money, money, also can let host get benefactor assistance.Of course, bedside table style will be consistent with the bedroom decorate harmonious unification.

KaoShi wall after 8, while the head of a bed, but some of the design of the head of a bed is rail type ventilated breathe freely after depend, on human health is not good, because the person's head will often point by the impulse of airflow, the feng shui is also backed by weakness, has also is not stable.

9, next to the master bedroom on the driveway.If there is a road beside the bedroom (especially live on the first floor of the bedroom), or the whole village lane import and export, if the bedroom just outside can see lane, then the man saw the car in and out, he also wanted to go out with the ets.

10, household geomantic contraindication of mirror or a television set (i.e., white tiger evil spirit) is put on the bed, not only adverse to the body of husband and wife, and hurt feelings of husband and wife.

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