Dining-room: why do you want to set the wine

Dining-room: why do you want to set the wine

Now both of modern decoration and luxury type is decorated like to decorate in the bedroom of a wine.For many families, wine has become a kind of indispensable scenery in the restaurant, it displays different wine, smooth add a lot of gorgeous color can make restaurant.

Wine high and long, mostly in fengshui, this is the symbol of the mountain;Short and flat table is a symbol of water;In the restaurant there are mountain water, cooperate with appropriate, will be great help for curtilage shipment.

Now the wine has the following kinds:

1. The fireplace type wine.Some people consider the opening of the sitting room, dining-room is linked together with hall, too take in everything in a glance, in order to make a distinction between sitting room and dining-room, they took the fireplace modelling, designs a marble material fixed wine.It is like a island, let a sitting room and dining-room relate to each other, but each other clearly on the partition, and also has the role of wine.

2. The wine ark that glass partition.In the space is not large, and the residential housing raising of truss method is too low, just make a few on wall glass is used to put the bottles and wine, is the wine glass partition.So look not only to extend space for higher ground, still feel is not very occupy a space, can say is to take off the chan a new creation.

3. Log wine.This wine in design made of the log log sense makes people have a sense of return to nature, the art of crescent wall lamp was added to the romantic colour.From the perspective of fengshui, wood with natural breath, absorb in a gas.

4. The porch place of the wine.This wine is long and narrow porch place design into a wine cabinet, make the space of the original will not be using the reasonable use, at the same time from the outside there is a porch, but look from inside the bedroom there is a small bar, thus increasing the beautiful sex of the bedroom.

Put the wine in the restaurant have what time must pay attention to, in order to avoid damage house feng shui:

More than 1, sprinkled ark is already high and glittering and translucent connect fully, is the symbol of a mountain, put it on this life kyrgyzstan, can accord with kyrgyzstan geomantic essence should be high and well.

Session of grabbing the head of the household life, the wine should be put in the restaurant that east east, southeast, south and north.Head of the household of west 4th life, wine should be put in the restaurant is moving west, southwest, northwest and northeast of the west.

2, wine of the lens is unfavorable, general wine in the lens to come back, this makes wine in the wine seems more bright and crystal glass: but if the lens is too big, will cause inconvenience in feng shui.Such as wine if the lens is too big, it should not be relative, and the ark of god because it can make a fetish of incense in wine glasses reflected, and this is the big fear of fengshui, should try to avoid.One thousand it happens, you should put the wine or a fetish shift, for both

Is not straightfacesYes, can ensure harmless.

3, wine should not be put in the tank side: wine is moisture heavy furniture, and fish tank water more, the essence of two similar, if put together, will form a water much and lack of dike flood.If nowhere to move, but between the spill tank and tank put a basin of evergreen, with a wooden partition between the two water, can eliminate excess moisture.

In the dining room with larger area, some people like to the bar instead of wine, the bar with the essence of wine, moisture is heavy, so both pay attention to is not in feng shui, respectively.The bar should be put in the corner of the restaurant, to match the way of feng shui, for tank belongs to the water, and flexible in water, not afraid of pressure, so put in the bottom of the stairs.

Some families don't like to drink, is not put the wine in the wine in the restaurant, and loaded with cups and saucers cup ark instead.So, cup ark shoulds not be too big, like a cup to fill the whole wall ark, devoid of blank, so it is not ideal.If glass cabinets and wall length, you can switch to short ark, feng shui can improve restaurants.

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