Why with the kitchen adjacent dining room

Why with the kitchen adjacent dining room

Can say in a house, kitchen and dining-room is almost the largest room in the function.And the kitchen is reserved for people who can cook, dining-room is no matter will not cook a meal, as long as it isHave a mealPeople, with the place.Thus, the importance of the restaurant is absolutely cannot be ignored.

Although the food is, but in accordance with the principles of fengshui, the stand or fall of a restaurant, first of all depends on how well azimuth.And the orientation of the restaurant must be conducted according to the specific situation to choose, so as to create a good dining environment.

The location of the restaurant have the following several kyrgyzstan: residential east, southeast, north and south.Rather than setting the location of the restaurant also has a lot of.

1. The southern part of the housing, the sunlight the light is enough, and the south is fire, can make a bit like fire filled, increasingly

Wang zhen.

2. The freezer is usually put in the kitchen, but there are put in the dining room.If the restaurant setting freezers, had better be unfavorable toward the north, south, because can be cold in the north, and it can avoid much quarrel caused by incompatible home.

3. The east and southeast belongs to the wood, the sun rises from the east in the morning and have a strong vitality and vigor, so is the best location for breakfast.

4. Age season restaurant toward the east as well, and is better to the north in summer.In the top priority in the feeding zone is to keep clean and tidy to maintain food hygiene, but also to make a relaxed atmosphere, eating good digestion, and has a good mood.

5. The location of the dining-room and kitchen adjacent to best avoid hypertelorism, meal time cost too much.Is therefore a kitchen restaurant is the best, the shortest line.

6. But the habits of the Chinese food restaurant should not be in the kitchen, and by the damp and hot gas in the kitchen lampblack is sitting among them can't happy meal.

7. Restaurant should be located in between sitting room and kitchen, the center position of the residence.The layout of the fengshui thought, so can improve parent-child relationship harmony.

8. The restaurant is located in the next level of avoid by all meansThe toiletRight, in this way, the restaurant's good luck to be downcast.

9. If you are building in building design, the restaurant should be located in the upstairs.

10. The restaurant should be in the center of the house, but not straight to the front or the back door.

11. Avoid the use of adjacent bathroom space when the restaurant, if unavoidable, should as far as possible away from the table the toilet.

There are also some problems also should be avoided.The Windows of the restaurant, for example, around two sides wall should not be right, because gas

From a window into, and out of the side window, unable to get together gas, is not conducive to the fate of the residence.

The restaurant's location is very important, not only when every member in the home for dinner, also should be toward one of the four kyrgyzstan in the life of the hexagrams and sit down.Adjustment is responsible for the seat of the living in the home, let him angry toward the side and sit down.Mother should be at the party but sit, because it represents family and joy.Children in school are best toward the volts, such a flourish academic effect.Elders face day prescriptions and sit in the home, can be long stay healthy.

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