Flowers put learned

Flowers put learned

Office usually put the POTS of flowers, flowers can add vitality and energy to the office, more importantly, flowers have strong effects of feng shui.Office flowers mo and, therefore, should pay attention to the flowers from different directions.Below, I will teach you, how in the office of different directions corresponding colors of flowers, friends can be "roadmap" according to color arrangement of different varieties of flowers.

East five elements belongs to wood, shake hexagrams, sabingga sukdun dergici jimbi: Oriental put red flower for the copywriter and planer, editors, and all good brain work personnel.

, west five lines of gold, the hexagrams, western white, yellow color of flowers is placed to be able to increase the mouth for a living personnel's momentum, such as for lawyers, such as sales, the artist has certain help.

, the south is fire, from the hexagrams: southern put green plants can make the female of the office to improve personal beauty and charm;This orientation for investors to place a flower or elastic earners have certain push money prosperous wealth effect.

, the north five lines of water, kangua: can put white flowers, it can effectively change between employees and the tension between higher and lower.

, southeast of the five elements belongs to wood, xun hexagrams: affect relationships, love, and is aTo get marriedThe azimuth of luck, so the preferred color for the pink flowers.

Southwest five lines of earthy, kun hexagrams: office female leadership of bearing, the most suitable put the bright red flowers;In the sub-health state of staff can be put in this yellow flowers.

Northeast five lines of earthy, gen sticks: the bearing is suitable for the junior in the department, 2011 coincided with three blue star in this position, so put yellow flowers is helpful to prevent your breath is happening.

Northwest, five lines of gold, the originality, the tallest leadership is department orientation, suit to put the white and yellow flowers, can improve the leadership authority and help the staff unite as one.

Here, I will of special note is, to put a flower is the office of the general principles, if you need a personalized put flowers, so you need to consider the office personnel of numerology and office specific reason.Note at the same time, in the feng shui layout of the office, do not use artificial flowers, because the symbol of death and decline.

If you think in the office made a mean person, always have a little play games, so, I suggest that you put in on the left side of the desk or hang red flowers or potted plants (of cactus, celestial being advisable).However, fresh flowers are with three advisable.In addition, the desk on the right side had better put less office supplies, because it is a white tiger, need careful.

Flowers of life is very short, within a week, mostly in the summer will be shorter, especially flowers, like tulips, two days or so will die.How can you keep the flowers of longer?Friends may wish to try my suggestion.

Flowers, angling the roots to snip, bibulous area is large, so can absorb more moisture.

Every day, to cut off some, guarantee better able to absorb moisture.

Flower leaves, do not hang around in the water, so that leaves to rot, so make sure you better not to remove outer leaves from immersion in the water;

Change water every day.If it is summer, in order to keep the water temperature does not rise, still can put a few piece of ice in the vase;At the same time, the water in the vase with best, such not only can keep the temperature of the water for a long time, also can increase the weight at the bottom of the vase, guarantee the stability of the vase.

, in order to make the flowers open longer, still can put a little beer in the vase, or put in two aspirin at the end of the research into, can prolong the life of the flowers.

, in the average household often buy some flowers, tulips are the life span of the shortest, the longest life expectancy of carnation.If you are want to beautiful and compare to save people, you have to buy fewer tulips, buy carnations.Especially in the summer, tulip will soon wither.

Also note, don't buy chrysanthemum family in general.Because of chrysanthemum is generally used for.

Buy some branches, silk flowers, mixed with flowers in vases, can make the flowers appear more and luxury.Silk flowers can be repeatedly used to match with different flowers.

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