Raising of the turtle office gossip feng shui

Raising of the turtle office gossip feng shui

Chinese people especially like a turtle, and has a long history, the ancients had put the turtle as objects of worship, now people also see it as a symbol of luck out.In ancient Chinese legend, the unicorn, phoenix, dragon and turtle is benevolent, these four spirit is the symbol of good fortune, the garden.empress, but the former three spirit are all imaginary totem, does not exist in the real environment, and can only be used by the emperor and powerful, ordinary people can only stay at a respectful distance from sb to them.onlyThe tortoiseExists in reality, only the tortoise is reality, we can live with.

Since so many people started to raise turtles, then there will be a turtle, feng shui is said to be on the armor of curvature of the grain also represents the Chinese era, is exquisite.It can live long, witnessing the rise and fall of one hundred, feng shui is often suggested that a turtle in the office, you can bring the company type, strengthening fire, will the negative daimon away.But some companies really pay attention to feng shui, especially the sales department.As for is to have cultured, the siting of the best to the orientation of the fire, or need to be positive, such as near the door.

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As for the breed of turtle to sort out a good analysis, because it is in the company, certainly not as carefully as his house, so it's best to choose to keep well.Such as the Brazilian tortoise, tortoise, yellow throat, etc.But really exquisite and history, also is our Chinese native turtles, best can find male ink turtles, pitch-black shining brilliantly.

How to feed turtles in the office?Suggested that the designation of personnel for breeding.Feed the food to the regular, in the morning and feed once a day.Often, of course, want to change the water, so that the guests come in to see a dark mass of black water spoils, it won't talk about the business.Much less prosperous wealth.

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