How to bring good feng shui for the office

How to bring good feng shui for the office

Office accessories put want to combine the popular trend in recent years, but also with the main points of the feng shui layout, according to the different situation of every man to match.

Bring you good luck

To decorate metope act the role of article, except for some manual pendant is some calligraphy and painting.In fact, historically, painting

Painting has always been a popular decorations.Said the arty, said having a unique style, hang a picture, can increase the cultural atmosphere of the whole office.

But the adornment picture content varied, be especially careful when hanging.According to the coherent theory of all things, one thing should be the one thing, image should also be a certain information in the picture.

In general, civil servants can hang the landscape painting of quietly elegant, such both neither are flowery, and elegant breath.Entrepreneurs can hang a symbol of wealth and auspicious peony, lotus, etc., also can hang spread eagles, symbol of future.But, any painting should not hang too much, unquestioning, to prevent all kinds of information chaos, caused by bad career.

Other act the role ofing is tasted

For friends conditions allow, the antlers can be put in the office, "Paul" homophonic, can increase the fortunes.Still can put a monkey, because "monkey" and "hou" in Chinese, from the meaning of "immediately sealing hou".

In addition, still can put on the fortune to ward off bad luck of the mythical wild animal, etc., these auspicious objects, can increase the whole office information, thus making big money, career promotion.In the fierce competition in the judicial circles, marketing, etc., can use the horn as decoration, in order to increase competitiveness and morale.

For some childishness not 丨 ms office of the people, also can in their own desk some small potted plant.Symbols such as cacti, stable and strong, can increase a boost for your work life.

It should be pointed out that, due to modern computer in the office, the increase of the electric equipment such as telephones, fax machines, photocopiers, make indoor gold properties is greatly increased, and these items gold will affect the magnetic field of the whole office, very messy, will interfere with the decision of the office.

On the adjustment, can take replacement method, if use the wooden desk, chief of office might as well put a dragon bed, elegant style, elegant, and increase the gas of the auspicious, harmonic information field.In addition, also can put more Yin plants.

Put the pot in the office is almost a common modern office decoration, can put potted with evergreen plants as the best in the office, such as evergreen plants, bougainvillaea.Generally speaking, civil servants and government officials should put evergreen in the office, etc., the meaning of the symbol of prosperity, can also be conducive to increase wealth and career.It should be pointed out that, yes

In the leaves should be cut off in time, so as not to affect the field information.

Good luck to tip

Company conditions permitting, can set aside a piece of staff in the office rest place, add a few coffee table and sofa, create a relaxed freedom in a comfortable environment to rest.

Rest area set also reflects the people-oriented corporate culture and corporate care to employees.The company as employees, the company also want to decorate the staff rest area comfort, let them in busy there is a place to relax after work.

Rest area was warm and pleasant, as far as possible, can put the colorful flowers, and related to the professional books in the rest area, but don't put the room closet or shelves packed to the brim, appears room has been excessive use.Conditional company also can set up a place, to design a light bar, as you breakfast and afternoon tea area, and to provide drinks and snacks.Even if space is limited, also might as well put a few on the balcony to have a comfortable chair chair, keep the position of a breathable for office space.

It is important to note that the relative internal staff rest area to be in place, don't directly in the face of office area, because of employees in the lounge is a bit more relaxed posture and expression, is very different from usual rigorous work state, be it for the boss or customers see is not very good.

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