Dream of a wild boar

Dream of wild boar is what mean?Dream dream of wild boar, ok?Dream of wild boar with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of a wild boar detailed solution.

Dream of a wild boar

If you impression of male wild boar is fierce, may it represents a part of your heart in to admit.

If you put the reproduction that goes with it, so is the sex symbol directly.Reproduction, on the other hand, there are more the meaning of the metaphor: that is, to the repressed part of life.

If it gives you the impression that beast.So animal may refer to the original or not accept repressed part for the society.

If it is combined with sin or sexual suggest it to you, it means you own repressed sexual affection.

On behalf of the offensive.People sometimes aggressive towards themselves.So you should find the source of your attack.Such as the male may be associated with Oedipus complex.

Dream of a wild boar

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