Dream of small animals

What is the meaning of dream of small animals?Dream dream of small animals?Dream of small animals have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of small animals a detailed solution.

Dream of small animals

Dream of the duck waddling, interpersonal relations will be better.Originally there is always gap, suddenly change, began to close contacts with you.

Dream of the rabbitWere running across an open field, the chance of love.The location may be a bingo stores, bookstores and other places.

Dream of the mouseTaken with the cats, draw very well.Can take part in TV lottery, may obtain awards, to the readers of newspapers such as "life story" contribute garden, is likely to be published.

Dream ofThe mouseRunning around and waste star will pass through your head.Be sure to get out of the habit of waste, to spend money to adherence to budget.

Dreamed that put the squirrels in hand, will have an adverse in travel.Such as the car may be sitting on his head, because of go to bed or the time to remember the date, and so on.

Dreamed of by a monkey jump on the other trees, there may be stolen.Don't put all money together.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: animals in dreams represent only intuitive understanding that part of the character.With cubs animals is a symbol of motherhood and her mother.Cub shows that you care about their simple part or children around you.Wounded cubs show that you may have noticed that his mature process or accept the existing difficulties on the way of life.Dreamed that animals are food, symbol may be with you to create the "devil", only when you "eat" away they could conquer them.Similar to the fairy, talking, daunting or intelligent animals, symbolizes the animals don't know his own strength.They are not against the power, because their intelligence is pure and simple.Notice the animal tolerance in fairy tales and dreams of patience character is very important, because you have to establish contact with the aspects of themselves character.Helpful animal symbol of the subconscious inside those who help others how to make a picture.These animals make you willing to accept help.To tame a wild beast or training it into useful animals, said efforts to suppress and make the most of you.If you dream of looking for shelter from beasts, said you and your life is dangerous and harmful animals have a instinct for the fight.You have to think about their own behavior whether appropriate.

Psychoanalysis: if you notice the urgent need of their psychological dream symbol will appear these needs of animals.The following animals can be interpreted from the Angle.

Monkey: symbol you naive, childish, closed side.Is typical of the monkey naughty, fresh and curiosity.These features are commonly believed to be inclined to type of aggression.But this kind of intense curiosity is based on the premise that had the presence of mind.

Bear: see mother often show the different forms in a dream.The bear is a form of them.It main symbol that bullying, the mother of love entanglement, or love in mother in all things.If bear is in the dream, it may represent a particularly autocratic person, such as his father.

Chameleon: said to realize themselves or others to adapt to the environment and the ability to change with the environment.

Squirrel: symbol you love storage character.

The unicorn: it is the symbol of purity.In the mythology, it is said that can only see the unicorn, a virgin also only they handle it.Unicorn represents the purity of the recovery and regeneration, to create precondition for you understand yourself.It can be to control their own "I" and "how to control from a hint.

Elephant: dream of elephants, said recognise their patience, good memory ability, stability, and careful character.From the perspective of the esoteric elephants symbol with patience and wisdom.

Frog: represents the transition or transformation.Like prince frog in the fairy tale change, your life also has some nasty contents into a valuable character.

Fox, fox wish the false, false, and cunning.

The rabbit: the rabbit intuition, spiritual understanding and intuition "jump".Because the past fear or contempt, intuition may be turned into madness.Because the rabbit and the moon, in a negative sense, the female rabbits symbolize the female priests, witch, male rabbits symbolize the pastor, male wizard.On the positive sense, they are a symbol of fertility.

Pets: if the dream of domesticated animals, say you know you must be agree with that part of the character.Here there are all kinds of enthusiasm, they are in controlled circumstances can become useful, they never really terrible.

Deer, reindeer: there exists in the caribou herds and a strict hierarchy.Therefore, this dream indicates that you recognise their position in the world.Deer also symbolizes the proud and noble thoughts.

Dog: represents a very reliable and trustworthy partner, represents a protector, and this is you can't get rid of.If the dream of dog used to belong to you, or is in a certain period of life and you are very familiar with the dog, so may arouse you to memories of that time.That time may explain your current behavior.A female hunter with a dog, so pictures and typical female modelling, amazonA womanThe relevant.Keep a guard dog near the cemetery, in the dream symbol secure the underworld guardians, symbol in between must be allowed to enter the grave hypnosis or taming of all things.

Hyenas: usually represents the impurity in the dream, restless and cunning.

Hedgehog: represents the evil or bad behavior, literally speaking, means you can't deal with complex situations.

Leopard: striking features that quickly and balance.Therefore, it symbolizes the darkness and the light evenly between the two forces.

Kangaroo: this kind of animals with quite a strong exotic amorous feelings often represents the maternal, also represents the power.

Rabbit rabbit: dream or related to fertility, or show the deceptive in your character.Rabbits may be for you to point the way to inner spiritual world, and as a lead.

Cat: it is associated with the people (generally refers to women) like cat's sensitive personality, reflected the wayward women.Woman elegant, strong but at the same time too complacent side in the dream also show the cat.

An animal's body parts: its meaning and the significance of the human body each part similar body (dream).If the dream is prominent limbs - may be relative to the three legs of animals -, said development completely in the spirit of the functions and complete personality become great anxiety.

Toad: it and you don't think the content of the ugly or behavior in life beautiful place has a direct relationship.This ugly implied the growth and transformation.If the dream at the same time a toad and mountain carving, this will cause you to secular value and spiritual value difference between them.

Leopard, leopard symbol the cruelty and aggression, and grind the misuse of power.

Lion: the animal represents the solemn, strength and courage, and it also showed a dream just the "self", as well as related to this enthusiasm.If you and a lion fight, says successful development.A lion devoured one, suggesting that one in your personality into a state of disorder, make the people around you or in danger.Lying beside a lamb lion symbol of the contradictory unity or coordination.Thoughts and instinct unexpected hand in hand.

Lynx: the characteristics of the lynx is keen eyes, so it symbolizes the objectivity in the dream.

The mole in the mole: dream usually represent the forces of darkness.It also symbolizes the you blind determination to success.

Mouse: on behalf of the excited and don't understand.

Deformed animals: you found that some of your impulses are shameless or annoying.

: the otter otter is especially suitable for the water of life, has very strong ability to life information was obtained from the environment.This dream comes to your feelings and creation ability.

Horse: the energy available to you in the dream symbol.White horse represents your mental consciousness, brown horse represents the enthusiasm.Grey horse symbol of the death, winged horse symbol of the soul's ability to eliminate the secular factors.If the dream is in nervous condition, or death, which means that the variety of dynamic power severely weakened, and the power is under normal condition you have, you may have been under pressure for a long time.If the horse bedding bag in the front, said you to concentrate on better things for yourself, or only care about good things about themselves.If the dream of a horse tuoma, it symbolizes the tame.If a woman dreamed that he was the horse kick, this may be a metaphor of animals or her relationship with a man.Every through a door into obstacles horse is that let many people depressed shadow together.Piggy back goods Ma Changchang symbol of the mother or the mother's model, nowadays, car has largely replaced the horse this symbol (dream car, dream travel).

Black mouse: unhealthy, suspicious character or symbol you you the situation.It can be as a symbol of refuse.You may just catch not loyal friend or colleague.

Reptiles and other cold-blooded, ruthless, cruel personality often prepared through reptiles and other animals.They are often seen as destructive, strange.If the dream of reptiles, say you are studying frightening, in the lower side of his character.You may not control this aspect, so it is easy to devour.Everyone is afraid of death or death, but you must pass through the intense change process, to die to be born again.

Bull: women, especially maternal characteristics (dream of the family), often in a dream by cow, because it like humans, with breast milk (milk) feeding its offspring.The bulls represents the patience and sacrifice.The downside of pit marks the behaviors in the dream, such as destructive, fear or anger.From the positive sense, people take the bull as a symbol of lust and creativity.Dream of killing a bull, represents the acceptance ceremony into the adult world, then must control their own desires.

Harmful animals: it is in the dream of a forced, for unnecessary or imposed on the content of the dreamer.

Sheep: it is closely related to gregariousness.Separated from sheep obvious said little intelligence.Usually associated with sheep character such as worship god, passive, good temper, and pure, and so on, may also have important significance in the dream.If the dream of a sheep or a Wolf or a goat appeared in a dream at the same time, says you should identify the contradiction between good and evil.Male sheep is a symbol of male fertility and power.Profound significance lies in here, it is rediscovered guide the soul to leave prison at the end of the transformation.

Snake: this is a universal symbol of symbol can be male or female, can also symbolizes the death and destruction, and younger upside down life.It represents the intuitive nature and potential energy.If the power of an intuitive nature and take advantage of, you can and your sexual desire and sensory agree, you can get more advanced spiritual power.When a man did not recognise their body or intuitive side of women, the snake will appear in his dreams.When a woman to feel afraid or feel afraid, for their own allure her dream would be a snake.Because snakes and heaven, so it has a twofold symbolism cunning and temptation.When you try to study yourself you that guided by instinct, will do dream about snakes.This will be related to the existence of sexual desire and make use of, both are still suppressed and obstacles.Sex is the farthest a desire, can be traced back to ancient times and the snake is to reach, the oldest symbol of sexual desire.The snake of a portion of the intertwined with the human body or the symbol?May suggest that the enthusiasm of slavery.fromThe bodyClimbed out of the mouth of the serpent or worm sometimes represents the sexual intercourse (dream of ejaculation), but they may also be symbolic you conquer their sexuality.Grass snake symbol of loyalty, deception and not the evil.The snake bite its own tail, represents the physical and spiritual perfection and unity.Be swallowed up by the snake, symbol art and beyond time and space concept of desire and ability.Because the snake belongs to the lower forms of life, sometimes is poisonous, so people see it and death and all the things that make they are afraid of.Around the stick on the snake, said, had made his contradictory character partly reconcile your release you haven't realized, which has the function of therapy, rebirth and innovation strength.This symbolism also expressed the basic shape of the DNS, which is the "cornerstone" of life.The snake's color helps to understand the meaning of the dream (dream of color).

Pig: in western religion, pig represents the ignorant, stupid, selfish and overeating.Your ego may come to realize that you have unpleasant character.Without this understanding it is impossible to eliminate and control the character.Pigs and jewelry shows that the lower the contradiction between the needs and spiritual value.A nest of little piglet symbol of the harvest, although sometimes is not satisfactory, because sows itself may have destructive character.Male pig represents the typical male leaders, and thus in a woman's dream, it symbolizes the negative Animus.You may be trying to avoid an argument, and you should have more bold and more intense involved in the debate.

Seal: dream it, you and your life in one of the component has reached the state of harmony.

The tiger: it symbolizes the majesty, dignity and authority;It is the creator and destroyer.

Monster: a kind of can not understand the fear, usually from the inside, often by monsters and dragons appear in the dream.The swallow monster symbol of such a cognitive, namely human will eventually to deep into a larger whole.If you stand in monsters, you can overcome the fear of death, and you can make your own power serve yourself.To remove the monster heart or other vital organs, or ignition in your body, the symbol of the struggle against the dark forces.

Terrible animals: every the threat from the animal imply that you have for yourself whether can be handled by the subconscious mind your ability to be agitated of fear and doubt.

Injured animals: you might be suffering from emotional or mental trauma.

Into animals: dreamed himself into an animal or animals into people, the symbol in all possible cases of the potential to change that.

Leave the trauma of prehistoric animals: in the past, perhaps of injuries suffered in childhood, may cause problems.

Whale: because whales are aquatic mammals, so it means the power of resurrection and rebirth.

Weasel: in the traditionalInterpretation of dreamsIt is seen as a crafty and crime symbol of strength.

Beast: typically, they represent the dangerous, dangerous enthusiasm or dangerous person.A destructive force from subconscious, threatens the safety of people.In the dream to tame the beast, means you may and your wild side reached an agreement.

Vertebrate: vertebrates is helpful for you to better understand related to their personality.Low, small vertebrates symbol of the subconscious, the emotional world and higher vertebrates symbol.

Wolf: if the dream of the Wolf - whether a horse alone or wolves, are suggesting that you may feel threatened by others.

Zebra: a symbol of the animals and horses have the same meaning, but it is also a kind of meaning, namely make the content of the negative and the positive content to keep dynamic balance.

Goat: dream of goats, represents the creativity and male energy.Goats symbol on the dark side of human nature, fornication and sexual desire.On the back of goat means trying to see your relationship with the dark side in their nature.Goats can also on behalf of the devil.

Combination of animals: if the dream made up by several kinds of animal biology, said existed for exactly what you should be the development of the confusion.Of the biological characteristics of all kinds of animals must be accepted and unity, or through the dream image performance of several potential possibility.If the creature is an animal, half is half man, said you come to realize that their animal instinct, and make it into one picture.

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