Dream of qingluan

Dream of qingluan what meaning be?Dream dream qingluan ok or not?Dream of qingluan have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of qingluan detailed solution.

Dream of qingluan

Dream of qingluan flew in from the cloud, is auspicious trillion, portend a long life.

A young years dreamed qingluan flew in from the cloud, promises to be a long life.

Old dream of qingluan flew in from the cloud, promises to be the life-extension, can play with children and grandchildren.

Dream of qingluan, wealth and good fortune that comes, you will have a good love sweet, a successful career.

Dreamed qingluan dance that you will have a nice people that will help you, all the lucky smoothly.

Dream of qingluan spread your wings and fly, forecast how great you are expensive.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

Dream qingluan from the cloud, ji.This is a ShouZhao dream.A young dream, more than version and become old;Full of dreams, can prolong life, play with children and grandchildren, the celebration of chang-sheng zhu."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dreamed of qingluan case analysis

Description: dream a dream to see the yard suddenly there is a colorful bird lying on the ground, light blue back and wings, wing tip is golden feathers, have two long orange tail, my intuition is chicken car luan birds is injured, indeed as expected next to see feather has wheels and round eyes.Qingluan are spiritual, like talking, I picked up it to see it a broken foot, a holding up two tail feathers fell off.I quickly put the bird inside, be in mat mat cartons.

After a while qingluan are good, I hold it out of the house, it don't know when to become a tall boy in bright blue gold embroidered robes, confuse men and women, only feel very handsome.

What the dream mean?Have a foreboding?

Dreams resolution: this is a dream, that you have a smooth, study, family, love, money is pretty good, dreamed of this opportunity to represent god give you wealth and success.Be careful, however, in contradiction to with people, avoid quarrel.Believe in yourself, come on!

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