Dream of reptiles

Dream of reptiles is what mean?Dream dream of reptiles, ok?Dream of reptiles have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of reptiles detailed solution.

Dream of reptiles

Dream for a snake in front, there will be a lucky thing is reading.Such as the new math teacher, turns out to be the type you like then, in order to get a good impression, you begin to hate math study.

Dream of norm of Yi in crawl, action will go wrong.Maybe due to the week remember wrong all textbooks, or mixed in salt in the coffee and so on, mostly negligence error.

Dreamed of was chased by the snakeOne by one, health warnings.You are in the state in which the most likely to catch cold, absolutely not strong.A little feel hot, you'll have to see the doctor earlier.

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: reptiles that occurs in the dream related to the basic and the instinctive reaction.Reptiles show the original desire in the dream, especially when you don't accept them immediately, even more so.

Psychoanalysis: many dream about reptiles are involved in control and manipulation.Tamed a dreamThe crocodileThe fear of his belligerence, suggesting you.

Spiritual symbol: if you learn to understand and deal with their own basic desire, you will be able to lay a solid foundation for their mental development.

Dream of case analysis of reptiles

Netizens dream: I am a small car repair shop boss, dreaming that I am doing business today there appear many reptiles such as lizards,The tortoise, four feet snakes, turtles, and other.They are everywhere!Is really big!I was then go back to the store to see.Walked and walked slowly to see in front of meThe floodStart here.So I went back to the shop from inside, my family is also.Water up to high, water covered the whole area but is not a drop of water into the store, I feel very safe.Then I see a really big monsters like the tortoise like swimming, suddenly there's a shark to me want to bite me, but that only big strange turtle and took it!To put it away, and I know watched the shark was taken away by big strange turtle biting didn't damage it, I just woke up!The mind has been floating picture!

Duke of zhou interprets: I dreamed of many reptiles, reflecting the dreamer in behavioral aspects may make a mistake, say may because of their negligence in the garage the car repair failure events, etc.Behind to sharks bite was big strange turtle you give away, the warning you commit fault will not cause great consequences, will hush.

Dream of reptiles

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