Dream of a feather

Dream of feather is what mean?Dream dream of feather?Dream of feather with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of feather the detailed solution.

Dream of a feather

Dream of chickenDegree of MAO, said to be a slight interference.

Dream of feather business engaged in the business, good luck and prosperity.

Dreamed that there are a lot of chicken feathers fall in four weeks, said your life burden is light.

Dream of the black feather, is the symbol of discontent, may also be said unpleasant events will happen.

Business people dream of feather, warning should not be reckless investment, recently to go slowly.Long-term savings.

Dream of plucking, these days you career sensitivity is very high, you can smell that where there is opportunity, if after an appropriate image design, your charm is really unable to block.To be able to meet the recognition of people.

Students dream of plucking, warning should learn step by step.Step by step is the law of the knowledge, is also a shortcut to learn cultural knowledge.In learning, like to climb the steps, step by step and you step up, constantly using "" what" to get "knowledge", consider, slow and fast, and good stability.Such as blind pursuit of speed and the number, the result must be moving too quickly, to learn and not be more, the wasted effort.

Jobseekers dream of plucking, predict job back luck, the beginning is often good, each other feeling is also very good for you.But do not grasp the opportunity, it also aware.

Dream for chicken feathers, life happiness and ease.

Retired people dream for feather, have the opportunity to travel, best not to go out for a while.

Single men dream for feather, presage a little fluctuate in love.Profession or the defendant Bai Dou is possible, but often don't know their feelings.If couples is committed to a common interest or topic, feelings can improve a lot.

To find workers for feather dreams, predict job employment fortunes, in addition to their abilities and performance, there are many factors will affect the final result you don't know, may encounter black-box operation.

Dream of a feather, you are very enthusiastic about chase chase money, study to make money, but it is not money luck is very strong, so less speculative psychology, property of the speculation on the matter, less or more.The expansion of the social life can help your career, you will also better in order to establish a professional image.

Dreamed a clerk to chicken feathers, Lord with people money, spending big, less profit.

Dreamed of feather case analysis

Description: dream a dream the same thing I ate chicken feathers, taste is very bad, stir a mess in my belly.In the end, I had to vomit a feather, in your mouth and stomach is full of strange smell, wake up, sleep over me up after his mouth as if what is the strange smell.(female, 23 years old)

Resolution: dream this dream indicates that you may encounter some problems in money or love, to the bitter and the feather of strange taste is the symbol of the situation.Eating is a kind of desire to meet, it is a dream a little bit strange, eat chicken feathers, because you may what is the problem in real life, perhaps your desire is too strong.Sometimes, however, that you desire to gain satisfaction after the fear or shame of mood, so can't easily "digest".

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