Dream of a boa constrictor

Dream of a boa constrictor is what mean?Dream dream of boa constrictors, ok?Dream of a boa constrictor with reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, by (please see the followingThe duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize the dream of a boa constrictor in the detailed solution.

Dream of a boa constrictor _ duke of zhou interprets dreamt of a boa constrictor what is meant by the dream to dream a boa constrictor is good _ _ duke of zhou interprets website

Dream of a boa constrictorPeriod of windy and rainy, it said, and bad luck, but humanity will then recovery.

Dream of killingBoa constrictors, is a good dream.

A womanDream bigboa, and their children will be sick.

Traders dream of boa constrictors, can make a fortune.

Dream of when the killing of a boa constrictor blood-spattered, home there are signs of grief, family members, health problems, or there will be a repair, build more houses.

The dream of pythonThe case analysis

Dream description: I dreamed about in a mountain, a big snake gave birth to a small snake, I and her boyfriend, and his friends to play in the mountains.Results a boa constrictor want to eat them, but don't eat me, I will go to save them, but angered the boa constrictor, so it ran after me, but I will fly down from the top of the mountain, through the trees, very dangerous.(female, 24 years old)

Resolution: dream the dream that is in the face of marriage, fertility problems you did not make full mental preparation, for whether to have children after marriage there is fear psychology.For marriage, family is full of "curiosity" and "terrorist";Serpents born small snake represents fertility, "chase" symbolizes the emotions of fear, "fly" said you fear way is to escape.

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