Dream of the hedgehog

Dreamed that the hedgehog is what mean?Dream dream of hedgehog?Dream of hedgehogs have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) small make up to help you organize dreamed of hedgehog detailed solution.

Dream of the hedgehog

Dream of the hedgehog, let a person cannot close to, this dream is also now let others feel like on behalf of you, your appearance is too sharp, you want to hide the fragility of the heart, but you never thought of all is you already hurt people who care about you truly, will try to open the heart, don't let love you of person with you sad.

Dream of the hedgehog, predict to harvest and progress, but may lose a friend.

Strong impression of hedgehog thorns in the dream, indicate good luck, can make a fortune.

Dream of hedgehog prick the hand, good omen, will have good luck.

Patient dreamed a hedgehog, indicate the dreamer's condition is more complex, may need to be more powerful treatment to work, need long time to adjust.

Traders dream of hedgehog, indicate the dreamer business will be very satisfactory, there is no block, what to do will be successful.

Dream of the hedgehog rolled up, indicate the dreamer in emotional suffered some damage, don't want to be the same, need to open up communication with more people.

Dream of hedgehog bristly, indicate the dreamer partial money recently is very good, especially in the case of gambling, the chance of the lottery is quite high.

Men dreamed of hedgehog, indicate the dreamer will be good luck, can make a fortune, success, to become a famous man.

A womanDream of the hedgehog, indicated that the dreamer will abide by virtue, is very faithful to the sentiment, never do breach of duty.

Workers dream of hedgehog prick the hand, work can be recognised by led.

Traders dream of hedgehog prick the hand, the business will be very satisfactory.

The originalDuke of zhou interprets

See the hedgehog thorns bode well."The duke of zhou interprets"

Dream hedgehog (hedgehog) tapping hole to break the city.The dreams of KouDao insurrection, like its harm, and travel in the way one dream the dream for fortune.Patients the dreams, for insect injury of gastric disease."The dream Lin Xuan solution"

Dream of psychology

Dream explanation: animals in dreams represent only intuitive understanding that part of the character.With cubs animals is a symbol of motherhood and her mother.Cub shows that you care about their simple part or children around you.Wounded cubs show that you may have noticed that his mature process or accept the existing difficulties on the way of life.Dreamed that animals are food, symbol may be with you to create the "devil", only when you "eat" away they could conquer them.Similar to the fairy, talking, daunting or intelligent animals, symbolizes the animals don't know his own strength.They are not against the power, because their intelligence is pure and simple.Notice the animal tolerance in fairy tales and dreams of patience character is very important, because you have to establish contact with the aspects of themselves character.Helpful animal symbol of the subconscious inside those who help others how to make a picture.These animals make you willing to accept help.To tame a wild beast or training it into useful animals, said efforts to suppress and make the most of you.If you dream of looking for shelter from beasts, said you and your life is dangerous and harmful animals have a instinct for the fight.You have to think about their own behavior whether appropriate.

Psychoanalysis: if you notice the urgent need of their psychological dream symbol will appear these needs of animals.

Spiritual symbol: hedgehog represents the evil or bad behavior, literally speaking, means you can't deal with complex situations.

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