Dream is cattle

Dream is cow what meaning be?Dream dream of is cow, ok?Dream is cattle have reality and the influence of the reaction, also the dream man's subjective imagination, please see the following from (The duke of zhou interprets's official website) are small make up for the dream of you tidy cattle after the detailed solution.

Dream is cattle

Dream of being chased, portend an encounter obstacles.

Workers dream of is cattle, beware of dog.

Traders dream of being chased, career development path will encounter obstacles.

Dream of cows after oneself, becauseA womanAnd reputation.

Women dream of being chased, may also mean that the fear of sex.

Dream of cattleChasing people, due to being driven, troubled, paralysis.

The newbies dream of chasing people, suggest that more disciplined by others on the job, may also be forced into a variety of interests balance.More cooperation communication between with colleagues, is expected to ease the burden.

Unmarried men and women dream of chasing people, sign your love continue to swing, have the opportunity to appear new love interest, or fall into the predicament of the many lovers.In addition, the offensive could encounter honeyed words.

Women dream of scalpers pursued, suggested that her husband will doubt her virginity, and therefore, quarreling couple.

Women dream of cut the bull chased, means to worry about having sex with men.

Dream of cow being chased by a bull, means that don't make a decision about to wake up to do, but the final decision is wise, there will be a harvest.

Men dreamed of cattle after their, will be a disaster.

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