Duke of zhou LingQian eighty-seven: cao narrow road in the flat

Duke of zhou LingQianEighty-seven: cao narrow road in the flat

The pedestrian half bit mountain ridge, JunXian climbing crags have enough

Hope in god blessing, the body is in between too

(/ chouqian/zhougong/four other shallow interpretation: walk halfway up, feeling the red hot sun seemed to give engulfed the mountain, so steep mountain can't find avenues to clings to rise again;Looked at the sky, asylum to pray god bless, I this body is lost in the nothingness of wide 濶 space!)

Cutting Shi Jianyu, tao sha see gold, must use the force, knowledge accomplishment.This sign tao see an image of gold, all things come into success.

LingQian yue: this sign.Tao sand see gold as also.All that Pepsi knowledge that is, the fate of success.Now in the day bit mountain.And the front is unforgiving mountains.In the arduous journey.In the bitter have to just pray for god protection.The body of between too.Only knowledge can into the life.In other words.Cutting Shi Jianyu tao see gold must be used to force knowledge achievements.

Trade - beware of marriage - have resistance for money - come into its own - owes the blessing of home - animals - flat field of silkworm - putting smooth - no pedestrians - late pregnant - empty mountain grave - fierce holds - deficient disease - resistance items - evil ACTS - conservative

A: this has a "steady" meaning.Encouraged by the parties, always don't give up speaking out of turn.Sometimes people when facing difficulties, thoughts unconsciously become very negative, if not all, even despair in anything.Rather than negative weary in well doing, than a change of mood, want to change the Angle.So-called god never shuts one door but he opens another setback in trouble, don't deny yourself, too fast and don't because of the cynical and hard.Sometimes life is important is not the result, it is a process.This process may be hard, but at the same time is also learning a good opportunity for growth.Common cloud mountain not turn road, road not turn people turn ", keep good mood, everything will be changed!

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