Duke of zhou LingQian sixty-eight: Li Jifu three generations for up

Duke of zhou LingQianSixty-eight: three generations for Li Jifu up

Conversion of qing JiMengZhen cheung, is good at the door great luck chang

Richard married into silkworm and ripe, ankang disease on medicine

(/ chouqian/zhougong/four other shallow interpretation: Dan incorruptible, dream is auspicious, the somebody else by doing, there will be a yuqing;Litigation right, marriage can become, clothing shape, longitudinal disease, in medicine, can preserve the kang.

, warm wind and flowers, not doubt you late, from now on ".This sign, warm wind and the like, everything is prosperous.

LingQian yue: this sign.Warm wind and the like.Good luck in everything.Jun, the conversion of qing dynasty.Dream also shot auspicious.The ancients advised.By doing house celebration.Home prosperous also.The ill person.The heart is first.No evil.To help others.Cultivate one's morality.Dana is called.Therefor.Litigation marriage into silkworm and cooked.In other words.Mo yi, warm wind and flowers with things late from now on ".

Trading - free marriage - to seek - ChunWang itself - AnJiaZhai - popular animals - wang zhen tian silkworm - wanted to pedestrians - to pregnant - jing mountain grave - great luck holds - - disease prevention - Ann items - search move ACTS - best

A: this has a "generation" meaning.To remind the parties, maintain good example.A person's thoughts and actions, it is easily affected by others in the unconscious.So parents, teachers, teaching in the younger children, should set an example, raise your hand is cast sufficient between, can imitate each other learning objects, is of great significance and far-reaching influence.In terms of the ego itself, maintain good moral character, it is a sin to, not in the good little.Learning the strengths of others, if you see others missing, also want to alert you don't make the same.Itself beneficial experience, might as well try to live on and let the castle peak in, expected beautifual.

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