Duke of zhou LingQian fiftieth song: ZhuGeGong longzhong lie flat on the high

Duke of zhou LingQianThe fiftieth song: ZhuGeGong longzhong lie flat on the high

In the early summer days are long, people are fretting is very hot

Providence and solution to the poor, so send embalm send cool wind

(/ chouqian/zhougong/four other shallow interpretation: summer is just coming, the days get longer time, because people are too hot and bored or unhappy;Actually god also know that people's mind, so sending wind sent cool.)

In mo yi, ritual solstice, who seeks the hope, need not worry.To the inflammation of natural cool like, everything is secure.

LingQian yue: the poetry of this sign also.Inflammation of natural cool.Everything in the safe.Although is the sign of the flat.The joy of life lies in this.Content of taean, namely in all things.Man is unfavorable for small abandon.Change is the loser.Too small of a stone up.Give it up.Pick up again.All but a few.All have no stone to pick up.In other words.In doubt.The optimal period solstice.Whoever into hope.Need not worry.

Exchange - common marriage - and seek blessing - qiu ji itself - watch the house - animals - ping tian silkworm - putting loss - see pedestrians - moving pregnant - male mountain grave - holds - auspicious disease - ACTS - old items - let the north

A: this has a "face" meaning.To remind the parties, the enemy and know yourself.If they could have self-knowledge, when he faced the problem, not escape, also won't reckless action.Careful analysis of their strengths and weaknesses, we can find suits own aspirations, can use again.Know how to success;In the face of setbacks and failures, will also have the courage to admit to accept and thorough review to improve myself.Friends to know that, and then carefully assess the situation, like a duck to water, and prospects.

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