Duke of zhou LingQian commencing first: zhang liang by book qian Bridges on the old man up

Duke of zhou LingQianCommencing the first: zhang liang by book qian Bridges on the old man up

Gentle words - strong, good at the door great luck chang

If someone of the hexagrams, like a thirst in nectar

(/ chouqian/zhougong/four other shallow interpretation: gentle itself advantage must be strong, many good works will be advantageous;If someone pray for get the hexagrams, like drink nectar stayed hungry.)

Inductive, heaven and earth to pass very much, god bless, have to live long.To the product of f floor like, always camp is auspicious.

LingQian yue: this sign is a product of f conversion of elephant.All things also seeks the sharks.

LingQian yue.Gentleness is strong just.Good at the door great luck chang.To make your transaction.For money.ShiYunJi chang.Must be ill.Strive for virtues.Alms.Can hang.For a long time and even stronger than before.In other words.Inductive fulfilled very god of heaven and earth to keep may live longer.

Trading - the marriage - and seek - hence good in itself - AnJiaZhai - auspicious animals - ping tian silkworm - autumn and wanted to see pedestrians - resistance liujia - male mountain grave - something holds - - disease - blessing lost - moving ACTS - the east

A: this has a "hundred thousand hammer chain" meaning.Encouraged by the parties, all things must withstand the test.In life there is a a level, will encounter a lot of kinds of situation, is to allow us to wisdom and discipline of mind.Among them, of course, also want to learn to be patient.The so-called "the finest diamond must be cut, abrasive," the more, the right the more frustration and humiliation will be met.Optimistically think from a different Angle, a lot of things is just a process, and you more opportunities to experience more than others and be good.Now you hate people, perhaps is the most grateful to you in the future.There is a saying: "unreasonable demands is discipline."If all can endure, in the future will surely manytimes.

Duke of zhou LingQian commencing first: zhang liang by book qian Bridges on the old man up and related content

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