Duke of zhou LingQian first 13: resign letter to save zhao ling king seal up

Duke of zhou LingQianThe first 13: resign letter to save zhao ling king seal up

Biological wealth family, since childhood in the sight of all the total luxury

Will you give the goldfish bag, universally known enough to boast

(/ chouqian/zhougong/four other shallow interpretation: grew up in a wealthy family, seen everything must be extremely use up costly;Invited to accept state nor grant credit, humility is that enough to known public all kua.)

Prisoners have to forgive, ill meet the good, longmen too, of the emperor is like.All things change.

LingQian yue: you also.Childhood home of biological riches and honour.Yu Shijun thy life.Is the world of luxury.For at all.But the support of the people.Will chengyi.And no pains and a winner.In other words.Migration to forgive.Disease in London.Longmen too.Name the emperor is like.All things change, also.

Trading - appropriate late marriage - into seek blessing - qiu dong itself - home - auspicious animals - ping tian silkworm - putting in the flat - see pedestrians - qi bao pregnant - a girl mountain grave - auspicious holds - rational disease - Ann items - moving east ACTS - conservative

A: this has a "modest not 1".Don't beg to remind the parties and show.When someone comes to us for help, for that all.If hope the other return expectations, loses the good pleasure, which are good."Intentional qualities are not true qualities".Fundamental significance, the help is not intentional and simply to do, solved the problem after, the in the mind of happiness, not external physical material can match.Don't look forward to each other have said, or so secretly pleased.On the contrary, if they are to help, even if is a small favor, also should bear in mind, or not to forget, have the opportunity to immediately to repay them.Keep in mind that it is more blessed to give than to receive, to be good is puny.

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