Yuelao LingQian 24 sign in

Yuelao LingQianSign in 24

Yuelao LingQian 24 sign of success

Sign: he thought has been poor, hate, is for jiao luan 鶵 chicken male and female.

Sign: he thought of the poor.That is to, there is no love at all.Not only with no love.And hate you very much.What is the reason.She is alone.Is a charming luan 鶵 chicken.Male and female.In other words.If you have children.I'm afraid not with iraqis in this lifetime.Should pray for solution.

Note: this relentless heart, endless hatred, if you would like to renew, pray that god will comfort

Vernacular shallow interpretation:

Thinking is, the more the more hate.Even more feelings have enmity, has shown no feelings, and very hate you.What is the reason.Because each other's immature.Let her alone by the bitterness!.If you have children, children and I'm afraid she'll leave you, don't want to accompany with you for life!Get this sign is poor fate, never taken for granted.Should be positive and old comfort.Ask the fate, may god.Ask the marriage, should be actively retrieve.And old comfort.To be nothing.

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