Yuelao LingQian sign in 12

Yuelao LingQianSign in 12

Yuelao LingQian sign codes, 12

Sign: a to xi, an to fear.

Sign: the matter of the earth.Beyond the best of both worlds.Even someone says.The world of matter.Nine times out of ten.So again and again not to the scene.Let us how to face it.Good Chi face the reality.On analysis of things.Analysis.Trade-offs.Should not expect.But also do not have to be discouraged wipe for small losses.

Note: there be satisfactory things, hopeful, face the reality, not crave

Vernacular shallow interpretation:

Life ten to often, meaning the moment not to kill two birds with one stone.But as long as the face reality, analysis and the analysis and choice of, can break through every difficulty.Do not expect perfection or discouraged because of small setbacks.

, finding the sign of fate shortage, you will lose again.A variety of futian.Ask the fate, the sorrow and hopeful.Ask the marriage, ever after Thailand first.

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