Five ways of wealth LingQian 30 sign in ji. C decyl 】 【

The god of wealth LingQian five road. In 30 sign [j] c

Autumn period to set good news now plot and in the end its prosper geely keep keep best heart

St: although have.Don't jump.Litigation and used.Don't medicine disease.Stay in.About marriage.But it was supposed to.Ann and joy.

Dongpo solution: fair place.Don't deceive ourselves.Although have.When more and stay.

If you want to progress.To believe not.All the hope.Autumn in a.

Blue fairy note: difficult before they are easy mo phase.For autumn appropriate at camp.Keep constant should be more blessing.And from slow to stay at a better time.

Solution: this sign under unfavorable WangQu.Only appropriate keepeth his.

Officials of the.There will be inside.If you can keep them.Have to geely.

They account for it.And stay time.The smooth of the common people.

Appropriate medication.Litigation and used.About marriage.Looking for difficult before they are easy.Do not hurry about.

The satisfaction.Harvest moon flocity also.

Paraphrase: people have punishment of xian.Scholars of the enterprising attempted.Autumn period has the good news.

Should be well educated.All of it.When the path.To move to from time to time.

Of inspection: a person into the GongMen less.Gentle and honest.Long time no meet.

Take this sign.Until the autumn.Even with a poor marriage.The female to adult.

His mother in the future your show.The man and his son so rich.

Quanzhou bears the born again.Type.This sign.A matter.Jia guest officer Guo Qiu period.

A republic shop.Since a cause physical death by taking poison.

Alpine and identity.For mediation.So the fee of two hundred.God has a prophet.

Life again.For work.Brother's illness.The (signed) did not return home.And suddenly heard bad news.Is the test of the third sentence.

The story

LiuYiChuan book

The tang dynasty.LiuYi first.Return to the jingyang.Meet AnZiMan and intelligent.

Since the cloud.The daughter of dongting Long Jun marry and jingyang.By increasing violence.Book a letter.Send the dongting.

Strive to not enter the water.Women have a willow strain cloud lake.Shake when see it.

When shaking the tree.If someone in the water.Out for a book.

Invite yi in dragon palace.Dongting with female wife.Go after.

Tiangong remind you

"Now seek and fading" refers to the immediate plan/goals can give up, to find a better new plan/goal.

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