Maharaja LingQian commencing to sign one spring mei, exclusive jade fairy based

Maharaja LingQianCommencing to sign

Sign: jade a spring plum fairy, exclusive hundred based, fragrance not spray, fairy for return.

Solution to sign: fairy planted a bead jade spring may, this pearl spring mei is the most special and unusual spring plum flowers.Jade fairy, however, has not yet been able to awaiting the pearl spring may open out the beautiful flowers, enjoy it smells fragrant scent JiaWei, jade fairy is ready to return to the mountains, his monastic abode of fairies and immortals.

Definition: "predecessors trees descendants cool" is the purpose of this LingQian."Just ask, don't ask, don't harvest", on some level, it becomes a not worth "fierce" range of encouragement.To the reality of utilitarianism, for others, or wish for the future generations of people have very few, all pay attention to now, copy the short line, instant noodles, politics, education is so...Everything is so.Calculate LingQian to truth is not interested, just know that at present is confused?Is fierce?So, we are also from this direction, parsing the implication of this sign.

A comprehensive explanation:

Fame: fame, as said bookends.

Promotion: hard copy, promotion.

Career: deliberate, not Italian.

Items: vain, return to life.

Profit: the time did not help, rare.

Disease: RangXie comfort, only the eyesight of the god.

Marriage: difficult knot, differences on the way.

Pedestrian: home hard work, the session will come.

Evidence: hard Tian He harvest, others.

Travel: travel tasteless, AnDi within companies.

Stores: empty time, conversion from the new.

Liujia: sometimes their own, do not importune.

Officer litigation: vexatious suit years, has a bitter sweet.

Can animals: idle is idle, worry no money.

House: hard work, don't ask the future.

Seeks: let it be, keep the distraction.

To: careful consideration, why move.

ZuYing: hall careful, stand a false.

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