Maharaja LingQian second sign come to chang, dangerous dangerous disaster hit

Maharaja LingQianThe second sign

Sign: come to chang, disaster hit dangerous crisis insurance, dark cloud invasion bay, family members, a batch of incense.

Solution to sign: home is still in the downturn in the bottom of the outside back, has not yet been able to flourish, must enhance vigilance, face up to the change of circumstances, protecting the people, things, things in the home, watch have reflected by some evil seems unusual move, situation or condition.See such as the moon is a little dark clouds intrusion, do not take lightly, which is an ominous sign of sets family immediately beside the incense burner and burn incense and worship deities, prayed to the gods bless a peace corning size.

Explanation: "sign" the "mirror" is the message of a LingQian lesson.So-called "good or ill luck first signs in the future," dog "screw", often the cock crowed in the evening always, eyelid "pipi file", the water is often "choke", these are not good signs.I don't ask a shipment of ups and downs, once found that these symptoms, you need to thank god now asked the Buddha, in order to release woes.Just, when the home low, should be more cautious, be careful.

A comprehensive explanation:

Fame: officer my touch,The testAdverse.

Promotion: keep stay, and this will come to.

Career: keep step by step, start a business soon.

Items: the low He Lao helpless, find it.

Profit: eagerness, blessed are evil.

Disease: the dash, pray that god gives.

Marriage: there is no leaf, surprising, partial.

Pedestrian: meet tidings hesitation, life.

Evidence: the grain crops, property owners and thin.

Improper travel: come not chang, travel.

Stores: this shop no gas, the atonement.

Liujia: iron coupon not willing to, wide knot good causes and conditions.

Officer of litigation, litigation is not auspicious, sum Fang Li.

Animals: feeding is useless, and heart.

Home: home low, size, they can also make peoplefeel depressed.

Seeks: Ann keepeth his, seeks the unfavorable.

Move: many insufficiency, pronounce blessing.

ZuYing: environment have losses, praying to god things.

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