Maharaja LingQian tenth sign hei hei, goods

Maharaja LingQianThe tenth sign

Sign: hei hei, wealth, they begged for called, dewy flower open.

Solution to sign: there is joy rimmon, have joy rimmon.Because he get the money the treasures.Because I got the money treasure of demands.And I plan to calculate things can one desired one desire, is like a bud dew moist, and blossom a beautiful fragrance of flowers.

Explanation: the focal point of this sign in at the end of the sentence "dew".Dewy flowers, moist dew will open more sweet beauty for a long time, so the key is to "open".This "dew" is "maharaja progenitor" wang's asylum, can make us "begged for called".So often god's grace, to visit the temple shane.The most important thing is to continue good thoughts, and often feeling blessed, to be fearless, can be a feast.

A comprehensive explanation:

Fame: pass civil examinations, enjoys a good should be.

Promotion: water into canal rose, came out.

Cause: a steady growth, da tong.

Items: the thing to the Lord, kogi were help themselves.

Leon: wealth such as diarrhea, never dried up.

Disease: careful nursing, old trouble, fade.

Marriage: a river, ever longed for love.

Pedestrian: meet country proud, but period.

Evidence: purchase field buying a house and money.

Travel: can blame, disaster don't make the trip.

Stores: buy rental business, profit will hang.

Liujia: sacrifice someone, midwives'.

Officer litigation: god oh, to subvert the assault.

Animals: comfort and joy from the heart is fond of livestock and poultry.

House: well-being and, elementary repeatedly.

Seeks: pray for all, infatuated.

To: lu fu to the heart, move to meet.

ZuYing: mountain ring of water holding, mound abundance.

Maharaja LingQian tenth sign hei hei, money money related content

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