Sign: 53 mazu LingQian 53 days LingQian solution RenShen Jin Liqiu appropriate its west

matsuDays after LingQianDiWuSan sign: RenShen Jin Liqiu appropriate its western solution to sign

Mazu days LingQian: poems said

See you to ask things in the heart, the ill family of celebration;Yun heng goods both to, up Lv beaming discharge door.

Mazu days LingQian: yue

There, a noble. Work as well. The family income. Home luck shot auspicious well-being. The marriage as well (yi wang zhen son). O great riches and honor. The best male female twins given birth (.) after the first Italian. By doing for money fame without (available). In the old gentleman. Cure trailing defying, peace. To prosper (the road) Wan Like business go out. People to the moon. Geely row boat. Moving to peace. The lost boy. Rain to each month. Official tight careful and good (fine). The animals can be at peace. Cultivation of flat (Italy). Build chamber is (turn ChengXiang).The graveFine (generation legacy). Please can get big into the sea. As a farm. Fry in Italy. Enveloped peace. Wanted to go back to. Far letter quick report good news.

Mazu days LingQian: the ancients

Shu qin couples meet shu false't home

Sign: 53 mazu LingQian 53 days LingQian solution RenShen Jin Liqiu appropriate its western related content

The duke of zhou interprets of query