Article 26 Lv Zu LingQian 26 solution sign Lv Zu LingQian sign

Lv Zu LingQian26 sign: the ancients Liang Haolei late ChengLvZu LingQian sign

One day happy an auspicious, a person has a celebration of all benefit.An arrow in the hearts, fame into then turn, auspicious wind walls, floor light in her eyes.

Lv Zu LingQian: sign

Eight years ten places Liang Hao as the northern song dynasty, people from the top, it said was a late bloomer.Actual Liang Hao pass the imperial examination at the age of only 23 years old!In ancient times with "one emperor grace (namely have fame GuanLu), the whole family eat bread."One can get a few home so, is all our.Obtained by this sign, all the luck, but to advance is in, when the check, check, all let nature take its course, do not importune, god bless.

Lv Zu LingQian: poems said

How good and bad days endure, and stay time blessing and;Looking forward to set should be within three months, introductory camp for good.

Lv Zu LingQian: poetry

Number of days of good or ill luck, how to influence people's fate, before the season is really hard to predict, but when the arrival of the first, also is not who can resist or avoid.But for the sign, within three months should be able to get good results, all the best, happy was packed!

Lv Zu LingQian 26 sign

Seeks the look:Can faith can become.

Money:As a crop.

Marriage:Can get harmonious marriage.

Itself:Common heart is satisfied.

House:Gradually auspicious curtilage potential.

Opening:After the decision is not change note can be into.

Move:Consult with the elder, must listen to their opinions.

Travel:As early.

Disease:The doctor can cure.

The best:Very smooth births.

Pedestrian:Leave has been on the way.

Action:Appropriate solution of unfavorable knot, can speed the kyrgyz reconciliation.

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