Wenwu temple Confucius SAN signed 17 sign Sun Moon Lake

Sun Moon Lake wenwu templeConfucius SAN to sign17 sign

Poem: youpon? People get along with your bosom friend, do better and forthright and sincere, be not advice, can have, a wise man CARES not for gaffes.

/ chouqian/kongzi/note: know the way of dating is auspicious

The delta hilti, also have their length.How society, make friends.The way of dating, know his will and in its length.Between each other, when the attitude of forthright and sincere, Yang its goodness and excitation response.But by advice to friends can not accept, namely information check, otherwise will recruit.The so-called "do not with words and say," are a gaffes.Reason must friends, friends should also have a friend, in order to achieve "friend", "the friend we trust", and then can talk to, for a long time and respect you.

The delta to make friends, is to succeed.

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