80 guanyin guanyin LingQian LingQian sign of 80

Guanyin LingQian80 guanyin LingQian solution to sign 80: sign outside the guanyin LingQian solution

Sign 80 80 guanyin guanyin LingQian LingQian solution: sign outside the guanyin LingQian solution

The good or ill luck palace: sign not palace

Straight on the celestial rock to learn, this once imperial mission;Sky lunisolar Chang Ming according to, the heart is famous everywhere.

Guanyin LingQian: poetry

An image of the hexagrams noble lead.Good luck in all things and also.

Guanyin LingQian: yue

Stead fast.Mo to the east.Take things personally.Noble.

Guanyin LingQian: fairy machine

Home - peace itself - geely and seek good deal - pushing higher marriage - double match liujia - male pedestrians - tian silkworm - half closed animals - wanted to meet public litigation, wins the migration - auspicious items - south to Ann mountain grave, ji disease

Guanyin LingQian 80:Overall interpretation

To a certain place to study, trying to get a higher ideal

Look of the selection

All development smoothly

Fame spread across the four seas

This sign the essence

Aim high, get unexpected help, all pushing higher, established.

All things work

This sign yu, the participants in the challenge a lofty ideal.

In order to achieve this lofty ideals, so constantly enrich himself.If so, Japan can get superior affirmative action, or the help of a noble, established well, spread fame.

Love marriage

When asked if the marriage

The whole luck;In order to marry a good husband, and constantly improve their own quality, Japan can get mr.right reward, and then get the pursuit, exchanges smoothly, and then form a husband and wife, relatives also praise.

Can you ask, the objects of communication

Have loved ones want to chase, the signing of the point is, do you want to learn the art of men and women get along with, and learn how to love, if so, the prosperous development on the road to love for you.

If the object could further or ask the current communicationTo get married

When the contacts after a period of time, want to get married, what are you going to learn how to a family, how to do a good job in the role of husband or wife, this subject to work first, in case of onto the road of marriage.

If love, marriage breaking up, stuck, ask or relationship and good

If love have already broken up, you obviously lack the way of business relationships, you don't know how to deal with companion, so that love in trouble.As long as you love more fulfilling way of business, it can save love nature.

Job startup business

Work in transit

The overall work, in order to get a good job, so constantly enrich their professional ability, learning various skills, and can find a good job in the future, on the job can have to the use of boss, outstanding performance on the job, a promotion.

Entrepreneurship, career

In order to make better career development, so learning related knowledge, breadth to absorb information, and in the future when the boom boom, can therefore treasures will be plentiful, not only for trade affirmation, but also cause signs can be known.

The testCompetition promotion campaign

You ask, test or future of various competitions

Due to continuous learning professional skills, improve their strength, as long as JingShi opportunity comes along, you can.

You ask, promotion, promotion in transit

In usually pay attention to their performance, and enrich their own leadership, breadth of study related knowledge.Therefore, as long as the promotion opportunity comes along, I naturally.

Finance and investment

Breadth so common in fulfilling financial knowledge, so for investment have unique insights, when an opportunity comes, you can play this kind of expertise, and so many profit.

Doing business

To a broader business, and constantly enrich their own business ability and the endowment of grain, in the next chance comes, to Carnegie Hall.

Real estate transactions

If you would like to sell real estate, should be clean and tidy, trading success, but the future to meet guest satisfaction.

Treating health

If you would cure, when takes the practical understanding of the disease, to find effective methods, and make the disease under control.

Conversion changes

Want to seek change, the change of the most important core is to enrich themselves, improve their expertise, this is the change of the largest niche.

To pregnant for children

Men and women in order to smoothly, besides fulfilling reproductive knowledge, in the aspect of a person can be generous to others, can at any time in the life to do good, this is all wish children basic lessons.


In order to win the lawsuit, to enrich the legal knowledge, or consult professional personnel, to the niche and win.

Wanted any

Want to recover the lost, the lost can be the sun or the moon shine, so it's very good looking.

Travel abroad

Want to remote development, if the travel is for further study, this is a good plan.In the future can get affirmative, and noble status.

Guanyin LingQian 80: allusions

Outside forces.Chih-yuan liu (far).ShaTao (shatou turks clan).Zhi-yuan liu and his wife li SAN niang in my uncle's house.My uncle too its poverty.Zhiyuan to guayuan.Desire to eat two melon extract.Zhiyuan night with a gun.War melon extract into the ground.Dug see sword.Pick up words of wife consented.Those who take refuge in YueXun.Officer to appease make.Qidan jin.The central plains without the Lord.Wisdom far in jinyang namely mercy.Country yue ji.Still say tianfu gaiyuan.

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