71 guanyin guanyin LingQian LingQian sign of 71

Guanyin LingQian71 guanyin LingQian solution to sign 71: gentleman's visit to the phase such as guanyin LingQian solution to sign

Sign 71 71 guanyin guanyin LingQian LingQian solution: gentleman's visit to the phase such as guanyin LingQian solution to sign

The good or ill luck palace: unsuccessful Chen palace

Cognitive black dragon down 9 qu, woman to marry two husband;Naturally two arrows, a bow frame to the dinosaur horse will not abide.

Guanyin LingQian: poetry

An image of the hexagrams an arch two arrows.All things again, also.

Guanyin LingQian: yue

No.For the mandate of heaven.Put in the open.The cutting should be keep.

Guanyin LingQian: fairy machine

Home - loss itself - is seek to labor deal, beware of the marriage - in liujia again - after making the first virtual reality - resistance tian silkworm - late harvest animals - loss he wanted to see the public litigation, kui migration - disease to rid the star mountain grave, change

Guanyin LingQian 71:Overall interpretation

Do your own thing or person, seized by others.This approach has many.

In the future to run back and forth in two places

The third sentence: in such a condition

"Cognitive CangLong 19 who" and "behold black dragon under nine qu"

Black dragon: blue dragon.Cyan horse.

Nine qu: roads extending in all directions.

This sign the essence

On both sides to cope with

All things work

Due to the original belong to his own people or things, is seized by others, turned to be in two places, two things, or between two people and life.

On behalf of various seeks the q, this sign, you may run at both ends, both sides to cope with.

There are many types of handling of the affair, if don't want to two runners, can XianShi prevent, or further processing.

Love marriage

Single ask marriage, jun more than people, beauty a way, you have more than one pair.

If just split up, if the new love, I also back to old, when running at both ends.

Break up to save, save no problem, just he has, this into a love triangle.

Instrument can chase, this person already belong to, if you for again, a man had two couples.

If married, this is a double life, back and forth between two people, and life.

Summary to the hexagrams, two partners, one of you is his, to know who from the forecast.

Job startup business

Job or career, between the two life, development, between the two things could cut the runs.

The testCompetition promotion campaign

Exam ask results, admission may be, when the fear, walk back and forth.

Promotion or copy, if have to work promotion, two head run, thereby.

Finance and investment

Ask investment results, financial side and the back and forth on both sides, labor be profitable.

Doing business

How to do business, and on both sides of the business, and hard to operate, it is feasible.

Real estate transactions

On both sides of the real estate to sell, customers, and arranged before and after, so as not to make waves.

Treating health

Can disease healing, sick and surrounding, best medicine practice, hold up and in addition to the troubles.

Conversion changes

Things change, become ever since the decision, could be busy after change, things run on both sides.

To pregnant for children

Ask future pregnant, pregnant no problem, when the twin, one of two people.


Case asked as a result, this song is very bad, two sides of the attack, kui lose a foregone conclusion.

Wanted any

Items may also in search of can see objects, owner is two people, it should belong to whom.

Travel abroad

Going back and forth across the far ask development, law, what to do, all on its own.

Guanyin LingQian 71: allusions

Such as gentleman's visit.The han dynasty.ZhuoShi gentleman with women.A widow's tears.Oliver poetry.Listen to the sima xiangru to play the piano.At the heart.Way to get along with in night.Talk about speculation.With each other to learn.Two men ran out of the city.Married to chengdu.But JiaPin.Two couples in Qiong in the city.To open the hotel.A wit.One is the wind.Both want to be a furnace to sell wine.By the emperor appreciated then syma.In the government officials.(9 qu.High street)

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