Sign the 51 51 guanyin guanyin LingQian LingQian solution

Guanyin LingQianSign the 51 51 guanyin LingQian solution: kongming sichuan guanyin LingQian sign

Sign the 51 51 guanyin guanyin LingQian LingQian solution: kongming sichuan guanyin LingQian sign

Good or ill luck palace: the sign of the uterus

Phlogistic summer day, the longest anyone sorrow and fever;The heavens and the earth was known, embalm grand natural wind cooling.

Guanyin LingQian: poetry

An image of the hexagrams everyone worry about hot.Do the meaning also.

Guanyin LingQian: yue

In a mo.Its own ritual.Camp for measurements.Need not to do such things.

Guanyin LingQian: fairy machine

Home to bless themselves, beware of (ji) seek to qiu ji trading, the normal marriage - in liujia - male pedestrians to move tian silkworm, damage of animals - ping wanted to see the public litigation, the auspicious migration - old items - north to let mountain grave, ji disease

Guanyin LingQian 51: overall interpretation

Do you have sorrow

People also know your misery

So people specially secretly help you solve

This sign the essence

God helping can hence that are done willingly.

All things work

Layman anguish, so compassionate god, specially secretly help, in order to save the suffering of the layman.

The day the gift for you, you when treasure!

The matter of the camp, but there are nice people that will help you, so will be successful.

Love marriage

Dual marriage where people I'm single alone, god know your meaning, sent mates junan.

Of the instrument can beg, love, and good grasp, will head the love.

Desire more progress, you are a pair of, noble to push, and then into the bridal chamber.

For love dispute, both of you when praying, providence secretly, in this love again.

Job startup business

Job search everywhere, this can seek god, QianCheng heart pray, find job with a fall.

Business how, praying to god, right, more efforts in management, boom will be.

The testCompetition promotion campaign

Whether JingShi auspicious, QianCheng worshipped gods, your strength and help your degree of difficulty.

Promotion for copies of QianCheng worshipped gods, commendation points, good thanks to the god.

Finance and investment

Financial gain, also depends on fate, god, right, profit blissfully unaware.

Doing business

Business benefit, the guest in accordance with the righteousness, for god worship festival, business smoothly.

Real estate transactions

Where customers, for sweet beg god, to god for the guest, finally into transactions.

Treating health

Adjust check without, this disease how to treat, the gods have memory, you have to also.

Conversion changes

Man proposes to change, to change along with the gentleman, ask god to secretly help, converting more smoothly.

To pregnant for children

For pregnancy and child, keep good body first, to do good and righteous, pray blessing again.


Litigation is a sorrow, it difficult to decide, worship to justice, is expected to suit well.

Wanted any

Any direction, lead worship at the dark, toward the north, and love to return to you.

Travel abroad

Travel to out of the sails, he show with king, god in secret right, more brilliant prospects.

Guanyin LingQian 51: allusions

The bore is clear to sichuan.Liu2 bei4 lack of turf.When the profit of milan.Britons fought against the north.Think of liu bei and his namesake consanguinity.Let liu into the profit with britons.The bore is clear with liu bei in the profit.Explore and terrain.Give up.Terrain it can attack and defend.The kongming multilateral arrangement.Surprisingly, I became home to liu bei.

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