Guanyin LingQian 38 guanyin LingQian signed 38

Guanyin LingQian38 guanyin LingQian solution sign: 38 wen-xiu he killed guanyin LingQian sign

Guanyin LingQian signed 38:38 guanyin LingQian solution wen-xiu he killed guanyin LingQian sign

Under the good or ill luck palace: sign the "palace

Manuals on the quiet period, suddenly cloud was in a coma again;Praying relieved the clouds scattered, change at this time for good.

Guanyin LingQian: poetry

An image of the hexagrams on cloud cover.Conservative also attempted in all things.

Guanyin LingQian: yue

A bit sorrow.Of the population.Prayers for insurance.Fear of financial ruin.

Guanyin LingQian: fairy machine

Home - unease itself - qi bao seek to difficult deal to stay in marriage, difficult in liujia and false alarm pedestrians - resistance tian silkworm - animals - loss wanted to meet public litigation, and the migration - Ann items - deficiency disease - yan mountain grave - should be revised

Guanyin LingQian 38:Overall interpretation

The first sentence: at the time of the cast, but with obstacles

The third sentence: waiting for the obstacles in the past, and change the style, the related matters, has good prospects.

"The month was out of the box when the mirror", the moon was shining sky in the mirror, when this show.

"Day curtilage quiet period" moon, the moon was shining in the sky, in a quiet moment.

Although the two versions of the same word meaning, deemed wrong but not sign the poem.Sign a poem, what is agood current want to do something (signed the first sentence of the poem, often referred to as the current state of the parties).But when this sign this expression, the parties will think it is time to show, so to sign two rewrite the poem "month according to day's quiet period", which means this is the time to keep quiet, rather than the present moment, forward.

This sign is classified as a "sign", actually this is a person's fate is concerned.If you can follow all instructions given by the signing of the poem, that can dissolve the evil.

This sign the essence

Show the, waiting for disabled, change the style, has better.

All things work

This sign with "cloud cover month" to describe the current situation.

Originally it begins operation, but have met obstacles, you as long as meditation waiting, believe that obstacles can be in the past, or change the style of work, that it can continue.

Love marriage

Currently seeking, should not a good time to stay obstacles, more figure to change yourself.

The testCompetition promotion campaign

This event, obviously not satisfied, when plans change, later.

Finance and investment

To invest at the moment, this is not a good time, should stay evil phase, more figure change strategies.

Doing business

Doing business without the business, should be good, change management mode, has good prospects.

Real estate transactions

Buy and sell no one asked, because business is low, and change the new appearance, waiting for the main door.

Treating health

Did not get a root place, we cannot the therapy, change the medical party, is expected to have a new.

Conversion changes

Status is not good, change is necessary, then use the new strategy, the prospects look more.

To pregnant for children

Pregnant at the moment, but there are obstacles, sort out obstacles, figure to pregnancy.


Lawsuit win bureau, really difficult to effective, each step back, both are good.

Wanted any

Search the items, are not necessarily have to see, the lost is gone, and put down the persistent.

Travel abroad

Now you would like to travel, obstacles in sight, until obstacles, for later.

Guanyin LingQian 38: allusions

Wen-xiu he died.Poor scholar wen-xiu he thing as a model.Touched by the rich girl Wang Qiongzhen.Phase and the flute.Two people love each other phraortes fled thence haining.Wen-xiu he was in prison.Wang Qiongzhen cutting capacity.Through hardships.All's well that ends well.(jade) women remember

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