28 guanyin guanyin LingQian LingQian sign 28

Guanyin LingQian28 guanyin LingQian solution sign 28: the plum was found bao guanyin LingQian solution to sign

28 guanyin guanyin LingQian LingQian solution sign 28: the plum was found bao guanyin LingQian solution to sign

The good or ill luck palace: unsuccessful noon palace

East is cicada yun month, suddenly clouds also dark deposit;Or have a round and deficiency, more are not idle talk.

Guanyin LingQian: poetry

The hexagrams month is like clouds.Coma in also in all things.

Guanyin LingQian: yue

Cloud cover.Need not to doubt.Waiting for the cloud.See the harvest.

Guanyin LingQian: fairy machine

House - unease itself - qi bao seek - resistance trading - his marriage to be pregnant, near the pedestrian to sluggish tian silkworm, adverse animals - putting bad - difficult public litigation - deficient migration - old items to western disease, difficult to dash mountain grave - > change

Guanyin LingQian 28:Overall interpretation

Beautiful things intellectual have the shadow

You don't just blame, complaints have the shadow

And try to eliminate the shadow

This sign the essence

Despite obstacles, be solved in wisdom.

All things work

Originally a good thing, suddenly have obstacles, but you don't just blame, and try to overcome obstacles.In the face of it, don't put attention on blame, rather than on how to solve.As long as you use your head, there should be a way to clean.

Love marriage

When asked if the marriage

Now although no marriage, but you don't blame didn't marriage, and try to let oneself have a marriage.Recommended to participate in various social activities, more can participate in and interactive projects.

Can you ask, the objects of communication

You don't ask whether or not the pursuit of, and should ask themselves how to pursue it.Try to eliminate obstacles to him what admire in the heart.

If the object could further or ask the current communicationTo get married

In the process of get along, hard to avoid can some small obstacles, as long as you move a little brain, can be ruled out.That is the good partner.

If love, marriage breaking up, stuck, ask or relationship and good

This was just a small obstacle, as long as you take the wisdom, can be solved.

Job startup business

A good job, despite the obstacles, but as long as you learn, the small problems can be resolved.On the career management, even met any difficulties, all want to use your "wisdom", as long as there is Buddhism, is there a way to.

The testCompetition promotion campaign

If asked various JingShi or promotion, it will appear some obstacles, but as long as you must be good at "with wisdom", can stand out in this JingShi or comparison.- "to win".

Finance and investment

On finance and investment, the obstacles, this small problem, as long as you move a head can be solved.

Treating health

When sick, don't complain, but try to treat his disease.Please go to our inner selves to explore, to discover the root cause of the disease.Advice is great practice, repent karmic obstacles, eliminate their own "ignorance" has curative effect.

Conversion changes

Beautiful prospects appear obstacles, you don't have to rush to shift, and try to overcome obstacles locally.As long as you are a wisdom, can be solved.

To pregnant for children

Every had conceived, will encounter obstacles, to try to prevent, to makepregnancyContinued success.Suggestions in charity, more psychological maintain good thoughts and good mood during pregnancy, in addition, many prayed to god to bless.


When may be in the upper hand, but intellectual with obstacles, you try to eliminate the obstacles, if cannot be ruled out, will be finished.

Wanted any

As beloved items, so lost, don't blame how off, hurry to find.

Travel abroad

Go abroad for further study, the original is beautiful outlook, but the obstacles, when you try to eliminate him, it can success abroad.

Guanyin LingQian 28: allusions

The plum was found bao.(s) in the song dynasty the plum was.As with yes men after liu Guo Huai ruin.The plum was the prince of life after being in civet cats.The plum was is the emperor song zhenzong princess.Give Liu Fei frame.The palm civet peel to the tail.Change the prince.The plum was into day.Liu after the persecution of the plum was again.The plum was escaped days begging.Cry to blindness.Package trial on the case.Night audit Guo Huai.The plum was found.The truth.

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