The moon in the eighth house resolution

The moon in the eighth house resolution



Feeling on the moon in the eighth house person, because of the unexpected events, but because the moon suggest is a kind of need, it also represents the parents had some bad situation, becomes a need, they say, a problem of people in the house because of gambling, oneself still will has high gambling interests, we can't say this is not a lovely, but the smell of a person itself and temperament, have serious affected by family aspects, on the event


(2) the spirit and soul

Eight palace is a with the sign of the mystique associated with insight, as one of the moon in the eighth house, this would imply that the person on the spirit, will have a connection with mysterious things, generally speaking this kind of people will have the possibility of high sensitive physique, a more sensibility moon sign, for example, like the moon in Scorpio or Pisces moon, will have a high degree of the potential of the occult, in astrology, eight palace is corresponding to the originalScorpio,也因此當一個人的月亮在八宮的時候,就會出現類似天蠍座的心理動機跟反應,當我們去細究這個屬性的時候,將會了解到這個屬性在本質上,是比較偏向弗洛伊德的性跟嗜血的說法,這是一種來自本能行為的一種興奮感,在層次上有極端興奮跟冷血的兩種層面,而這兩種層面是相互交替出現的,所謂的興奮那是一種殺進殺出的快感,不管是肉體上的或是精神上的殺進殺出,重要的是那是一種身體感官的一種享受,以及精神上的一種虐待或是被虐的施暴感,有趣的是,在這種殺進殺出的快感當中,偶爾會出現疏離或是冷血的精神狀態,那是一種靈魂跟肉體還有這個世界沒有相連的那種感覺,要注意的是我在這裡說的不是指性高潮的那種現象,而是一種腦袋當中的清楚明白,那是一種高高在上的感覺,是一種抽離出來因為肉體跟身體感官的愉悅,而達到的一種精神上的愉悅,因為精神和靈魂抽離出來的關係,也因此會有冷血的傾向,那是一種達到宇宙本質的一種思維,用性關係來舉例在未必是高潮的情況下,持續的進行性愛的動作,可是腦袋跟精神卻會冷靜的分離出來,注意~~我這裡說的並不是冷感或是分心,說的也不是愛情或不愛的那種精神性,這是一種保持在高度的興奮狀態之中,然後一個人會了解到對方跟自己,是不是屬於同樣的一個境界跟領域,然後跳脫出來會去了解到什麼是性,會把精神放在我在延續我的生命,我對於新的生命有期望,然後我了解水總是在往下流,我了解太陽會去照射每一個人,不管那是正義的或是邪惡的,我了解辦公室裡面的角逐是一種正常,因為每一個人都在為自己的好去做更多的事情,這就是我說的冷血,他們會在一些刺激性的東西當中,去發現到一些屬於自然或是宇宙必然的一種脈絡,但是在現實的連結上那是一種疏離出來的感覺,而這種疏離出來的感覺,會讓他們去看到現在感情真正的樣貌,這種用自己的身體去聯結宇宙自然的方式,會讓他們在接下來的時間點當中,去選擇冷血而且符合真實道理的選擇,換句話說當他在整個的感受達到一種敏銳的時候,他們會用一種方式去查覺對方是不是愛自己的,如果不是他會在激情的過程當中疏離出來,就會主動的選擇分手或分開,在賭博的方面也是,他們常常會在勝負興奮的時候疏離出來,錢的贏或是輸會在一瞬間變成不是很重要的關鍵,他們常常用一種高高在上的態度,去享受那種他猜到了誰的心思

Or do something, but no one has found a kind of pleasure, psychologically it is a feeling of satisfaction, is not a money losing or winning, for them this is a kind of wisdom, notice I said here is not clever, wisdom and therefore in the psychological sense, this joy with satisfaction will let them be taken in, the kill into the fight game cannot extricate oneself, so a moon in the eighth house person, we can say that they will face to, really a lot of legal gambling and trouble, because compared with the stable feeling of safety and comfort, they love this on the edge of the crisis handling more pleasure.

, in other words, they have to do in the habit of personality, of course, the moon's negative and closed the month of odour smell cancer with virgin, more won't have this habit, because the moon is in the eighth house configuration, mishaps above represents the family and marriage, this a way, is a coherent moon in eight house person's life, and therefore the moon in the eighth house person, there is a need to atone for the hurt and pain of a phenomenon, in their psychological demand of people know them, understand their pain, know they felt hurt, but the problem is that a moon in the eighth house person, like Scorpio attributes of personality, the way they use torture others, treat people they care about or things, this is because the original eight palace with Scorpio, links with a clear and strong relationship, so they can also use revenge, or various other poke each other means to fight each other, in the psychological like Scorpio, they all hope the other party may under his torment and suffering, continue to go forward showed his sincerity, but as an outsider of me, I personally think that this is the wrong way, because not many people can be in the state of being tortured, also regardless of their feelings

And check awareness month eight palace this feeling Scorpio properties, even if a person know this configuration in the psychological because of so, also do not represent the people can get us in the past, because they have this kind of behavior is often a long and endless, so this method of configuration, is in spite of oneself with battling each other, and different moon horoscope, there will be a different way to torture each other.

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