Cancer boys and girls paired cancer

The boycancerThe crab constellation matching with a girl

cancerCancer boys and girls paired _ the zodiac cancercancer

Constellation matching index

Friendship: u u u

Love: u u u u

Marriage: u u u u u

Family: u u u u u

Talk about feeling required

When a girl and a boy cancer cancer removed their protective shells while love each other, emotional security is one of the important things they had for each other, they usually want toTo get marriedSome people in a short time can be hard to tolerate a live is not designed to be a good plan, but this kind of tolerance can only for a short period of time.

The two people really like, also need a social acceptance, and the reinforcement of the legal relationship of warm protection.Can cancer people illegally in a combined with the psychological burden of comfortably together, it is extremely doubtful (mothers is how to think?).

Only those character withdrawn, once was the family ties are alienating a cancer people, for one reason or another, to successfully adapt to the lack of love, marriage will quickly down even after a neighbor's home.Yes, they are emotions are not being met, and there is no happiness in the world the most women.Each of them in people are crying in the night to sleep.

Once 1-1 type of cancer, cancer, palace type, blossom and have children, they will become "a whole".They can find there are a lot of common interest, with things to do, for instance, carefully studies the family photo album ridicule each other baby pictures, collecting stamps and old COINS, fell upon the shoulders of the each other warm cry, visit the parents, to decorate a house, do gardening, travel, communicate dreams and nightmares, poetry reading, writing poetry, singing, listening to music, run to drift on the beach to pick up a small wood, with scuba diving, when the new moon, vows during a full moon to share the sorrow of the moon.Also cooking for him, he earn money to feed her.He cook for her, her to earn money to feed him - can be.All cancer people like fine food, and is mostly a good cook.

Sadly cry (or pouting) is cancer may appear to the first question, this makes tissues they a big fiscal spending.They could have a tragedy movie, ignored by his partner to, for they forgotten childhood sobbing.

Food is the second most important.Agree it is accompanied by, or happy, or in a restaurantHave a mealBut argue (in love), or for how to cook dishes at home () after the honeymoon.Those few - where to eat the food, what time, how to eat, don't care about cancer people, or ancestors is Jimmy's national, or they are used to take it for granted, or lie to the date of the birthday.Think about other people in hunger, cancer leads to their tears.Check its loyal, gentle, caring, they deeply want to help poor countries to the hungry people (especially children), these people are under the sign of cancer (and possibly some of the most often buy bathroom scales).

In the emotional, food, is the child - to support a family.If one of them not having offspring's desire, the other will be angry.If both of them want to have children, that they will be in the children born to stop any argument.Some cancer mother didn't believe in the son's old enough to date with a girl, this likely until 30 or 35, he is a man in live in the apartment.Some cancer father (or mother) considered until a healthy, wealthy and wise, can make hundreds of dollars each year more than, have very high popularity, and can see their daughters as eye after the right person to appear, their daughter to get married.

Can affect the two "crab" love harmony and nervous then there is the possibility of money.In fact, money was ranked cancer people only the first priority, but sometimes romantic passion will make the lovers put their own money.They are right.Even so, they started to face conflict of one another, they should be separated from their bank deposits.Spend their own money, then they can deposit in the deposit number he or she wants, can also be stingy or quietly generous philanthropy - don't need other people know.Cancers are probably useless, because both of them as good at conservative and spy on each other's secrets.

Finally, of course, is also the most isn't so important, that is sex.No matter male or female, cancer people always treat what they desire things first to one side and back seems to be concerned, and then all of a sudden jump forward.If they remember the implied trend, then, when he announced that he was just going to sleep on the sofa to enjoy the moonlight from the window, she would not cry, it will smile to myself, she knew that his real aim is to go to bed with her, later kiss because when a knife when he said to him, "good night", her light scent and that his favorite pajamas will make his passion.Then, when she was on the day of the first anniversary coldly back to him, murmuring "good night, dear," he won't get into to himself incapable of sex of panic, he will smile, and waited until her love to him with their signal - she will slowly with cool to touch his toes warm, or some similar action.Both of them are good at playing the guessing game on the sex, the mood is good at hiding afraid of being snubbed, and will to divorce or hide the lack of a common language;So they often try to make each other to act first.In addition to this kind of similar to hide and seek game, when they use body language to show love, rarely satisfactory.

They are not too high requirements in terms of sex.Despite their extremely keen on the feeling, and be good at to make a strong reaction, but they areTo make loveMore is not just for lust for love each other.If the person did not use gentle touch to represent the demand for sex, he or she will be angry.Romantic cancer center part of the person.Cancer boys or girls feel when they are not to be loved, they will be in spouses before go to bed early, looking forward to the mau accidentally use repeated apologies to make them better mood.

When two people first meet, timid and be careful to make their original rich and colorful.Then, suddenly, a man can trigger cancer passion of a full moon night, their next very natural thing to do at the meeting, later will cause who seduce who doubts.Poetry and music can successfully accelerate the process of their love, but when they worry about money, but cannot express, physical love will be difficult, poverty will temporarily interrupt their sex lives, not the feeling of being appreciated will also reduce the passion, when their sex apathy, they don't need to go to a hospital checking or have a bag of ginseng cookies, but need a large sum of money, the rich love and compassion.In general, cancer people whether men or women, very faithful, they rarely have not religious.If this does happen, their possessiveness will not cause the sort of like a strong determination to wait for his opponent, also won't lead to jealousy.

They must get along in the early days of the inhibition in the habit of secrecy.Although cancer people like to keep a secret, but two people don't like each other has not known for their secret, if they can open, direct, less sensitive and dodge, so a lot of damage can be avoided.When she was silent and mind not timing, he may think that she has a lover, but real reason is she hasn't written to her mother, or he didn't praise her cooking, and no attention to her new pajamas.Similarly, when the real secret to is just to pay for his car models and worry, she may think he is looking for anotherA womanOr think of three weeks he forgot to wake up in the morning and said to her: "thank you love me."In both cases, an honest confession will make everything changes a kind, can make the tears into laughter, because both of them have a sense of humor, this kind of sense of humor can always when they make their nervous ACTS as one of the most secure and reliable antidote.

Palace and other 1-1 type of couples are different, the degree of compatibility between cancer and the moon depending on their respective phases of the moon.If compatible with each other, the harmony between them will be far more than complain.If is not compatible with each other, they will also have a great opportunity to become a millionaire - and they were able to more tender, treat each other with love more than anyone else to.In the phases of the moon for the last quarter, they may be harsh voice to talk to each other, but when the moon turned round, they will be from the ocean into the wonderful world of imagination, two people into a gentle the moon in the water.

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