Scorpio girl dream wedding

A wedding is a religious ceremony or legal notarization ceremony, is to obtain social recognition and blessing, prevent bigamy, help the couple to adapt to new social role and requirements, ready to take on social responsibilities.In every nation and country have a traditional wedding ceremony, is the inheritance of folk culture, and national culture education of the ceremony.So, what is your dream wedding?Let below small make up together to have a look at our constellation girls dream wedding!

Scorpio girl dream wedding _ the zodiac

Scorpio girl to the pursuit of love, persistence, concentration, and even some bitter feeling, best represents a bright red roseScorpioThe hot love, spread into the red carpet with rose petals, bright and romantic.Appreciate the beauty of texture and orderly Scorpio bride, the dress to be sexy style design, can foil own different, on the basis of white must have the adornment of bright color, deep red cape, for example, can foil the bride Scorpio sensibility and leng yan, and appear high-chuang and mysterious, so this is the case, Scorpio women will feel that this is a very romantic wedding, and their hearts have been a dream wedding.

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