Scorpio's not perfect

ScorpioThe imperfect place

Scorpio is not perfect place _ the zodiac

Scorpio: afraid of loneliness

Appearance: Scorpio people are independent from his childhood, they can leave parents' arms, very early to a completely unfamiliar environment, living alone.They are tender and considerate, regardless of the menA woman, give a person a kind of performance.They have the pink roses of the fatal attraction.

Nature: Scorpio actually very afraid of lonely, their gentleness is only used to capture each other's arms.Every night they transform the different object, with all the enthusiasm to vent the most primitive impulses on the body.Just after the passion, the boundless loneliness more thickly intertwined with them.(The zodiac/astro/)

Suggestion: carnival is a group of people can get rid of loneliness, bring immediate gratification.However, the endless consumption will abrasion soul.Sometimes, loneliness is not terrible, the key is to learn how to enjoy it a lonely.

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