The dark side of Aries

Ram selfishness: this constellation surface recklessness, actually very will plan for yourself

AriesWith abundant energy and good learning efficiency, only they tired of speed to let all the advantages of all too late.Any intelligent body of life, as long as get along with Aries for more than ten minutes, can fully understand their heads, directly to the simple you only need ten minutes can be fully understood.

The dark side of Aries _ the zodiac

In addition, only use ram cheerful appearance as a disguise of selfishness, and clearly not still to peng wind swell ability.To put all the remaining heart smart force on all Aries brag to dominate others, by his side as long as you can focus on the eyes and a smile of listening teaching, and cheered loudly, you can easily get their friendship and absolutely trust - just Aries never trust, lively when they in the face of you.Give you a promise when strong enthusiasm, turn and then forget all about three minutes.(The zodiac/astro/)

Aries in the dictionary of no two words (smart).They fear most things is an intelligent, because under the smart.Ram will become the most weak timid creature.Ram will never believe and agree with all your thoughts, because they simply have no thinking and the ability to speak words useful.Also absolutely don't try to change people's behavior, this move will bring you incomparable loss and frustration.Even make you feel to the sheep, there is no value to live on.

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