Capricorn promotion keywords

Capricorn promotion keywords

Key words: pride

Capricorn is congenital GuanLu palace, indicating the Capricorn facing social achievements more enthusiastic than other signs, more efforts.As if from a very early age when they need more recognition, and for this they bear hardships and stand hard work, struggle, perhaps in other peers is hushed into the campus of laughter, Capricorn is ahead in the early to the social atmosphere, so Capricorn success often is earlier than others.

Capricorn promotion keywords _ the zodiac

(The zodiac /astro/)

But a lot of Capricorn when successful, they are arrogant, proud attitude also from now on.Long, Capricorn is easy to fall from a height, thing never dies.So Capricorn after a successful do not pride, in this way can successfully go too long.

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