Capricorn: boys and girls sexy index

Capricorn (male)

Mature sexy sexy index 70%

They usually with mature charm in 30 years old can have 40, mature and stable, so they are in the same age inside the circle is not popular, it will attract older women older than him, they are sexy, and to like very insist, it is full of attractive to mature women!

Capricorn the sexy index of both men and women _ the zodiac

Capricorn (female)

Elegant and sexy sexy index 95% (The zodiac /astro/)

Don't think that they do not show their sexy, is that they can see is can't eat "cold" is elegant and sexy.They can easily attract the attention of the opposite sex, because they are difficult to ignore cold, but let a person want to close to the beautiful.So.The distance is the aesthetic feeling, once they let you come near, it means they like you!

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