Pursuit of Scorpio boy skill

Scorpio GEGE surface calm, in fact the heart often flip like hot lava.Scorpio GEGE is famous sexy constellation oh.When you play happily at the party, when you express your feelings in the BLOG intravenous drip, has a pair of dark eyes, always follow you, and you are often unaware.GEGE is likes to hide his feelings of constellation scorpius.Some signs GEGE a excited words many, often called the tongue cuts the throat, often will not consciously when one idiot, emotion completely hide something in front of girls.Scorpio can't GEGE, when he found he was going to be he who sees through, he will use unusually short words and turning your week.When he got a phone call from your passion, he will first be pacified the mood to take your call.When he USES all sorts of excuses to hug you, or is the one who holds your hand, he will get his disguised as a rascal, wipe over oil or entirely classmate friendship.Weak water three thousand, actually he only take you a gourd ladle drink.

Pursuit of Scorpio boy skills _ the zodiac

Just, Scorpio GEGE eyes revealed his heart, I think MM people will not forget the nail the eye of a Scorpio GEGE.Flirting too shallow, newsletter and more unstable, confession is not credible, told Scorpio GEGE the best way to your heart, is deep the night of wild kiss hot twenty (after omit five hundred words)

forScorpio, (with different obviouslyAquarius:GEGE) only physical contact, can promote the spirit of true, true real release.Have you ever heard of which Scorpio GEGE passionate about Platonic love?Some of the extreme Scorpio, fail to find and love the woman, will choose to end his life.Scorpio, if you do not have physical relations with him, he was in conversation with you, look at you when you smile to him, no time don't suffer from lust.In the end, he will be at the time of the last straw breaks out, make some radical things.

Are you sure all the body and mind to Scorpio GEGE?If not, don't to harass him, let his mood calm.Scorpio GEGE favorite woman can use the long dry lines of li bai's poetry sentence, "15 beginning exhibition eyebrow, is willing to work with dust and ash.Continue to embrace column, or frowning."Scorpio love lies in the rebirth after the destruction, there are other songs of the loess plateau is a Scorpio this love view: "the elder brother is a mass of mud, younger sister are the clay, co-author to break, and mashed into a ball.Reshape a me, restore a you, sometimes-complex mix-and-match I have you, we will never separate."The key is you willing to put himself completely broken, and Scorpio GEGE together?Do you have this kind of specificity and without me?I again thought of Rene liu song "dare to dare not to want to ask you, like me crazy for love."

Scorpio is strong for each other's loyalty degree requirements.Scorpio is more like alone to manipulate each other's feeling.Capricorn control mainly embodies in the grasp of the overall situation.Scorpio is specific to the individual.Your mind a tremor of Scorpio in focus under the microscope observation.Scorpio know you like to know his own hand.

Scorpio is vigorous, so if fate or strongman, Scorpio instead more can enjoy the process.Scorpio GEGE is has a tendency to this kind of abuse.The test of blood and fire to the deep feelings of classes, this is the love Scorpio GEGE.

So too smooth feelings, Scorpio GEGE will like eating chicken ribs, too dull.And once there is such as to give up, give up, to struggle, crying, Scorpio GEGE pain in my heart, shuang on the spirit, think this is a really strong love.

Scorpio GEGE desire a heart strong opponents, combined with his physical, so that the fusion of the soul.Too weak personality, to stimulate the Scorpio GEGE powerful inner strength.And the too strong personality, because too independent and not willing to give themselves to each other, also let Scorpio GEGE very painful.Looks like Scorpio GEGE affection road is not easy!

Scorpio is typical representative of GEGE HEATHCLIFF in wuthering heights, he once said to actress: he (the heroine's husband) love you eighty years, as I love you one day.Want to pursue the MMS in Scorpio GEGE, you must also be sexy's a tiger.(The zodiac /astro/)

Pursuit of Scorpio GEGE, you have to do is begin, with time, waiting, miss, ambiguity, weeks turning, brewing.Then in the proper blasting mouth xie hong.The brewing process is very important.With the principle of physics explanation, is the first work to store potential energy, and then release, potential energy into kinetic energy very quickly.Before to do some fully, the expression of the must not impatient to a bite to eat chew.In addition, I have to say here.Looked at me the MM of the post can't wait to die, be sure to determine your status in Scorpio GEGE heart is overwhelming.Scorpio GEGE can be completely don't value a MM in my heart, just to give vent to go to bed with you.With Scorpio, accompany you like tiger ah.You want to make sure of yourself with Scorpio is diamond cut diamond will find one's match.Otherwise, otherwise...

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