Best following Scorpio spring outing

ScorpioBest multi-worlds and spring outing

Scorpions like blue angel this month, more think more about, even if is not worth the worry or things that have nothing to do with yourself also couldn't help but to worry, worry, live very tired.If want to let oneself free, invite friends of hyperactivity or more tongue son!!!!The way a bit noisy it doesn't matter, the most urgent is don't allow yourself to have a chance to sad spring autumn.Recent twin emotional high, and its nature of curiosity and naughty heart also infect to you, you are most in need of such a happy angel, let yourself out of the haze!

Scorpio best _ the zodiac multi-worlds and spring outing

Travel tips: to solve the problem of shoes before you travel, don't do, comfortable, prevent slippery sneakers is selected, with the good shoes to walk more long more joy.Of course you need to watch your step at any time, don't walk while think, be careful wrestling!

Back-up following:ArieslibraPisces。 (The zodiac /astro/)

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