The origin of the myth in libra

In ancient times, human and god also live on the earth, and lived a peaceful happy days together, but the human more and more clever, not only learned to build houses, paved road, also learn to intrigue, deceit and so on bad habits, and made many gods can't stand, left mankind, return to live in the sky.

, among the gods, but in a representative is the goddess of justice, did not feel frustrated in humanity, with human still live together.But has more and more human, begin to haveThe warAnd kill each other.The end of the day, even can't stand the goddess of justice, decisively moved on into heaven to live, but that doesn't mean she has thoroughly despairing in humans, she will continue to believe that one day human consciousness, will return to the past kind of pure nature.

The origin of the myth in libra _ the zodiac

Back to the heavenly goddess of justice, in one day and Neptune, god of the sea because laugh at her faith in human are foolish, two people and then there was a debate.Debate of the goddess of justice that insulted her sea must apologize to him, Poseidon don't think so.Two people are deadlocked, sued to Zeus.

Difficult this kind of situation to let Zeus to as goddess of justice was his daughter, the sea is his younger brother, to which side is not.As Zeus was very big, timely put forward a suggestion, the queen to sea with the goddess of justice, who lost who has apologized to the other party.

In the square place in heaven, by sea to start first.God of the sea with his stick in the wall, cracks in very beautiful water flowed out immediately.Then the goddess of justice has become a tree, the trunk of the tree with a reddish brown, green leaves and the golden olives, most importantly, anyone saw this tree feel the love and peace.The end of the game, the hessian take orally to throw in the towel.(The zodiac /astro/)

Zeus to commemorate such result, carry scales, a thrown to the sky, become todaylibra

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