Capricorn and who I walk from life (13) (14)

Capricorn and who I walk from life (13) (14)

Capricorn: otherwise, I also have been to a 1314

Not Capricorn does not know romantic, not you don't understand amorous feelings, but they will too strong and too strong, despite the surge of emotion surge, also can use strong willpower to control, don't let yourself impulse.After all, he is Capricorn, don't let oneself too divorced from reality, let the feelings flood carried away.When the New Year, however, Capricorn also couldn't help to unload the burden and camouflage, to love and bread are made in hand, to enjoy it.

Capricorn and who I walk from life (13) (14) _ the zodiac

(The zodiac /astro/)

Can accept the Capricorn type love, must belong to the Taurus, both eager to stable marriage, the perfect family, also to the requirement of self and the other party has the sense of responsibility, in through consensus and have common planning for the future under the premise of the two National People's Congress can comfortably enjoy the relaxation of the rare time.Also attaches great importance to the familycancerCapricorn is the good helper that occupy the home, the love and the bread to cancer, what not be at ease?

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