Capricorn rebellious way

Capricorn rebellious way

Capricorn's rebellious ways: tsundere arrogance

Capricorn was modest and prudent boy, doing things very measured and tends to consider the various aspects of adverse effects, but the rebellious period, their style and behavior will change completely, if two people.

Who is first and foremost they become not humble, think should can't compare with yourself, tsundere up little by little, but their heart is very lonely, in order to allow themselves to be not very poor, they will give themselves a thick layer of joke.

Joke is like a cold but the layer mask, not what protection can actually make more cold, Capricorn and so Capricorn tsundere above all the people around you, and even began to cold treat all this, define themselves as a lone king.(The zodiac /astro/)

Capricorn rebellious way _ the zodiac

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