True Scorpio can heal wounds

Really able to healScorpioThe pain of people

Who can cure: a complete stranger

How to cure: give him a warm smile

Why can cure: Scorpio always don't believe in this world

inThe zodiac, is the most terminating a Scorpio, because they don't believe that at the beginning of the people, this is good.Even if they were hurt person without conscience, they also will only themselves to blame too stupid, don't use more malicious means to deal with others.

Scorpio can really heal the pain of people _ the zodiac

(the zodiac/astro /)

Therefore, when Scorpio heart injury, in addition to the time, almost no other way.Unless, that is, when they walk on the road to meet those who help them, or give them a smile of a stranger, let them regain confidence in life.

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